Tweets to Sumshing Wong 🧢

Sumshing Wong 🧢's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Sumshing Wong 🧢
Los Angeles, CA
don't talk about it be about it. rep the 626. #YangGang Another Angry Asian
Tweets to this user:
Los Angeles Times's avatar
From @latimes
President Trump said four congresswomen of color should go back to the "broken and crime infested" countries they c…
Los Angeles Times's avatar
From @latimes
Even as White House officials moved Monday to defend his incendiary weekend tweets, Trump refused to apologize.
Los Angeles Times's avatar
From @latimes
Yesterday, @LauraKingLAT wrote about "Go back where you came from," the insulting remark sometimes flung at new arr…
Los Angeles Times's avatar
From @latimes
The Times Editorial Board wrote about Trump's burst of tweets (via @latimesopinion)
Los Angeles Times's avatar
From @latimes
In @latimesopinion, Michael McGough writes that Trump's "outrageous suggestion over the weekend that the members of…
Los Angeles Times's avatar
From @latimes
Trump's tweet has unified House Democrats just as they were splintering, writes @jenhab.
Los Angeles Times's avatar
From @latimes
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House will vote on a resolution condemning “the president’s xenophobic tweets.” The…
Los Angeles Times's avatar
From @latimes
'Go back to where you came from' is not a new insult. If it's been said to you, we'd love to hear your story.
Sumshing Wong 🧢's avatar
From @forkball88
@latimes yes I've been told to go back where I came from and quickly responded with, "San Gabriel is not that far away"
Miley 😎's avatar
From @Mileystan3
@latimes I got told to “go back to England or Europe or wherever your people who stole this land came from” the other day...
Leilani's avatar
From @xTheMotherx
@Mileystan3 @latimes I want to know more background on this exchange because people don’t just tell innocent people that on a whim lol!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I don't know if it happened, but some MX/Indian extremists believe that. The LATimes has covered up for them. MT @xTheMotherx [not sure it happened] MT @Mileystan3 I got told to “go back to England or Europe or wherever your people who stole this land came from” the other day.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
The NYTimes solicited the same thing yesterday. LAT is a pathetic wannabe newspaper, always taking their cues from a paper they think is better & always sucking at it. MT @forkball88 MT @latimes [solicits tales of "go back where you came from"]