Tweets to Nick Skaggs

Nick Skaggs's avatar
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Nick Skaggs
United States
24 Year U.S. Army Combat Veteran UNAPOLOGETIC NEVER-TRUMPER Field Artillery Sergeant First Class [RETIRED] MBA #Resistance Leader #BlueStormRising
Tweets to this user:
Nick Skaggs's avatar
From @BlueSt0rmRising
RT @fras99: 'Crying girl' picture near US border wins World Press Photo of the Year. Trump you made us proud of your cruelty and bigotry, Aโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump - who's extremely pro-Big Biz & who's surrounded himself with extremely pro-Big Biz lackeys (many linked to the Koch bros) made it more likely you support Big Biz agenda. MT @BlueSt0rmRising MT @fras99: 'Crying girl' picture near US border wins World Press Photo Of Year