Tweets to Patrick Lewis

Patrick Lewis's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Patrick Lewis
Lorain, OH
Tweets to this user:
Neil Munro's avatar
From @NeilMunroDC
Trump let himself be kept in the dark over terms of 2019 border-security deal. The Dems hid their smiles as GOP app…
Patrick Lewis's avatar
From @plewis1956
@NeilMunroDC In other words, he’s in well over his head
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You're incompetent. MT @NeilMunroDC Trump let himself be kept in the dark over terms of 2019 border-security deal. Dems hid their smiles as GOP appropriators gave up many policy wins, incl. a UAC amnesty. No sign of Trump's staff in the talks. IOW, he is contained by the estb.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@plewis1956: not only is Trump grossly incompetent, but so too is @NeilMunroDC. If Munro were even slightly competent, he would have realized how incompetent Trump is & helped with plans to make him more patriotic. Munro, Trump, Breitbart, etc are like Dunning-Kruger on speed.