Tweets to Alex Stamos

Alex Stamos's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Alex Stamos
San Francisco, CA
Recovering CISO teaching and researching safe tech at the Stanford Internet Observatory. “Less diplomatic on Twitter...” - DigiDay
Tweets to this user:
Alex Stamos's avatar
From @alexstamos
Our country has failed to collectively react to the Russian attacks against our election in 2016. It is time to act…
Nitin Borwankar's avatar
From @nitin
@alexstamos Hi Alex, in the Indian elections all canvassing and active public political advertising ceases 48 hrs b…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@nitin: @alexstamos is like a barometer app that steals your private data. He's not trying to improve elections, his real job is to push censorship & reduce media choices to a small set of approved sources. He's also *helping* Putin: more USA censorship is a key Putin goal.
Wesley Bull's avatar
From @OnProtection
As a CISO, @alexstamos has an established track record speaking truth to power. @LaurieSegall threading very balanc…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@OnProtection: Segall didn't call Zuck/Sandberg on their patent that scans uploaded pics to show people ads. She didn't call them on trying to lower US wages using FWDUS or by paying *Kellyanne Conway* to push a bogus poll. Ask @alexstamos to call her out on that.
Alex Stamos's avatar
From @alexstamos
Nobody who believes this should supervise the FBI's National Security or Cyber Divisions.
Alex Stamos's avatar
From @alexstamos
Pouring one out for my homies in the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force who busted their butts this week.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@alexstamos: calling people "bots" & "trolls" is used to quash dissent, exactly as Trump would do if he could. When will you speak out against your pals at Twitter heavily censoring replies to Trump officials, Alex?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@alexstamos tells @RSAConference "some women who could give a great keynote". These are the tainted ones: laparisa granick zeynep __apf__ bcrypt AmyZegart NicoleOzer k8em0 argvee evacide Susan_Hennessey window jilliancyork justinembone LilyAblon hyperelliptic #Facebook