Tweets to Wes Jordan✌💙

Wes Jordan✌💙's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Wes Jordan✌💙
Utah, USA
#TheResistance #Resist #BlueWave #StrongerTogether #NoRA #NoConCon #PeaceAndLove #BLM #LGBT #Equality entrepreneur, musician, friend, daddio
Tweets to this user:
Mary Lou Dorazio 🌊🌊🌊🌈😍 🇺🇸😺💙🌹🦋's avatar
From @catlover1943
RT @wesley_jordan: Is this censorship, or a violation of his 1st Amdt rights? That's tough to answer. He spread propaganda meant to effect…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Anyone who can't tell it's just a joke immediately shouldn't be allowed to vote. MT @catlover1943 MT @wesley_jordan Is [Twitter demanding James Woods delete his incredibly obvious joke] censorship, or a violation of his 1st Amdt rights? That's tough to answer
Wes Jordan✌💙's avatar
From @wesley_jordan
I just love seeing horrible humans being held accountable for their horrendous hate & lies. With any luck he'll…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Honecker would be proud. Still waiting for #Resist to be real liberals. MT @wesley_jordan I just love seeing horrible humans being held accountable for their horrendous hate & lies. 😄 With any luck [James Woods will] get suspended next time instead of a slap on the wrist.
Wes Jordan✌💙's avatar
From @wesley_jordan
Gov. Jerry Brown (D-CA) said on Wed that the Trump regime has declared WAR on the nation's most populous state. Th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@wesley_jordan: you seem oddly similar to other sockpuppets, down to a superhero profile pic. IAC, Trump is completely fake on #immigration. His CA moves are just like GWB making a big show of border enforcement. Real goal of Trump & GWB is a massive, wage-lowering amnesty.