Tweets to 👄👀💭Sarah Lies4 Trump Always👄👁💭

👄👀💭Sarah Lies4 Trump Always👄👁💭's avatar
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👄👀💭Sarah Lies4 Trump Always👄👁💭
Atlanta, GA
🌀Resist🔶Persist♥️Rise #ResistanceRises #ResistanceUnited #StrongerTogether #NotMyPresident #Recovery #PTSDSurvivor ODAT3/25/2012 Here for politics
Tweets to this user:
Lynn Coleman #Resist 🌊 🆘️ 🔄's avatar
From @ColemanLynn05
RT @LMLoveExists: Please I’m asking for a review and reversal of my good friend’s account @SarahLies4Trump Please️ I’m sure it’s a mista…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Those who only care about good friends are the friends of censors worldwide. You only oppose censorship when you oppose your enemies being censored. Be real liberals. MT @ColemanLynn05 MT @LMLoveExists [to Delbius] [help with my] good friend's account SarahLies4Trump
👄👀💭Sarah Lies4 Trump Always👄👁💭's avatar
From @SarahLies4Trump
She told senators Thursday that the "uproarious laughter between the two," referring to Judge and Kavanaugh, was am…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SarahLies4Trump: Ford has a good memory of the laughter. What *doesn't* she remember?