Tweets to Resisting in Newport

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Resisting in Newport
Newport RI
A Very Proud American, Proud Dem, Sailor, Kiter, traveller who strongly objects to this administration. Rhode Island is home. #resist and then resist some more
Tweets to this user:
The Lead CNN's avatar
From @TheLeadCNN
Puerto Ricans scramble for food and water 3 weeks after Hurricane Maria, @leylasantiago reports from the scene…
Resisting in Newport's avatar
From @ruckus2
@TheLeadCNN @leylasantiago They Are American Citizens Who Pay Taxes This is so wrong
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ruckus2: @leylasantiago showed #FEMA delivering water bottles in a light rain, w/o even comprehending #PuertoRico could drink rainwater.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ruckus2: you reply "and when the rain stops?" That's why civilizations from prehistory to today use cisterns to store water. #PuertoRico