@RickSanchezCNN: many differences between past and present #immigration; see Huntington,
@RickSanchezCNN: you imply that Arpaio keeps people from working based on their race; even the DOJ witchhunt couldn't get him on rcl proflng
@RickSanchezCNN: Why didn't you tell your viewers the Dream Act would deprive some U.S. citizens of college?
@RickSanchezCNN: What you support would give more power to MX gov't inside U.S. What are your plans to deal with that, or do you not care?
#Teaparty: show how @RickSanchezCNN is wrong about #immigration, using a valid, logical argument designed to discredit him to viewers. #sgp
I have to start proofreading these things first. Maybe I should start by increasing the size of this box beyond 1x1 characters.
2 of 2: @VodkaPundit why do you & Glenn Reynolds imply it's OK to spit on Congressman? Oh yeah: that whole "can't make an argument" bit.
1 of 2: claims the #teaparty spitting on Congressman incident might be just spraying rather than saying. #sgp #tpp
#teaparty #sgp #tpp #glennbeck: if you want to influence politicians, enlist experienced people for:
#teaparty #sgp #tpp #glennbeck: ranting, waving loopy signs, playing dress-up games, tantrums are not arguments; they don't change minds.
I'm now appointing myself a #Teaparty leader, and I'm going to lead #sgp #tpp out of the wilderness. First thing: learn what an argument is.
@JimWallis responds to #GlennBeck about "social justice", see my comment & back me up: #teaparty #sgp #tpp #tcot
@ceidotorg @Kochtopus: finally some good news: global warming helps solve India, Bangladesh boundary dispute:
Report from Sunday's illegal immigration rally w/ lots of photos: Foreign flags, anti-American signs, etc.
Lil' fascist @XeniJardin of @BoingBoing OK w/ mimes trying to silence @NumbersUSA: Me:
#GlennBeck actually makes some slight sense in his explanation of "social justice" being a euphemism:
Rush: U.S. elections at risk due to amnesty: Er, no. But: Dick Armey wouldn't let #teaparty oppose amnesty anyway
Flashing neon sign at Jack in the Box: "Now accepting EBT". Coming soon: 2 tacos and a small drink for a half a cup of blood. #fail
Flashing neon sign at Jack in the Box: "Now acception EBT". Coming soon: 2 tacos and a small drink for a half a cup of blood.
You demanded it, so here's Joe Biden dropping the f-bomb at around :14 seconds of this:
Satire of Dick Armey, #teaparty useful idiots has hot lobbyist, big #fail: TP opponents almost dumb as #TPP #SGP
#Teaparty rejoice: window smashers might have been militia loons instead of TP loons: #sgp #tpp
#Teaparty really should consider windshield fliers to get the word out about Obammumism. Get in contact with Tony Alamo for tips. #sgp #tpp
@DLoesch: thanks, I'll read after I get home. Got some frozen food here. No really, thanks. Melting. Gotta go.
If #teaparty #sgp #tpp just concentrated on facts, logic, and reason they could do a good turn for the U.S. Obviously that's beyond them.
24% of #GOP think Obama is the Antichrist and more in new poll: #Teaparty making things up *helps* him. #sgp #tpp
...have an impact if they showed the Dem's supporters how the Dem is wrong, but that's beyond #tcot #sgp #teaparty abilities.
1 of 2: If only 5% in a district are #teaparty, the only impact they'd have is electing the Dem (a la Hoffman). That 5% could... #tcot #sgp
#Teaparty vows revenge over #HCR: Problem: they lack the numbers, the brains, & the emotional control. #sgp #tpp
"Plus, I really enjoy the way the leggings feel against my skin": #teaparty #sgp #tpp
#Teaparty leader Dick Armey did TARP lobbying (CarMax); lobbied for State Dep't terrorist group: #sgp #tpp #tcot
Sleazy, truth-challenged @andreachristina has no argument, goes for the false smears. In line with how @ThinkProgress operates.
Far-leftie "Robert Erickson" tries, fails to p0wn @NumbersUSA: P0wn Erickson like so:
Mexican flags, far-left signs ("US belongs to Indians & Latinos first") at yesterday's illegal immigration march:
@AndreaChristina of @ThinkProgress thinks lil' fascists trying to silence debate using loud whistles is A-OK:
@NumbersUSA: please raise things above the tea party level and avoid in effect helping the other side:
♫ the innocence mission w/ Song About Traveling: #MusicMonday Buy it here:
♫ John Prine intro + Bruised Orange live from 1980: #MusicMonday
♫ The #HarpBabe from the to me inscrutable Omnia plays the intro to one of their songs: #MusicMonday
♫ Natalie Merchant w/ Ophelia live in 1999: #MusicMonday
♫ Heavy #Metal Irish mandolin, cranked to 11: #MusicMonday
It's funny to see #GOP & #tcot meltdown, and #teaparty continue melting down. Now if only the Dems, "liberals", and far-left would join in.
♫ Sami group Adjagas w/ Mun ja Mun: #MusicMonday About cultural preservation, not reindeers.
WaPo hires lying hack @DaveWeigel. See: #Teaparty #SGP #TPP intellectually powerless to oppose him.
♫ Aillos & Asa ~ Yoik & Body Yoik: #yoik #bodyyoik #MusicMonday
♫ Mimi & Richard Farina w/ Bold Marauder: Race card + ahistoric. W/ #teaparty fave Pete Seeger #folk #MusicMonday
Obama spoke on tape at yesterday's illegal immigration rally, said the usual:
I wonder if these same people would rush to hand out water to a march of unemployed Americans:
#HCR: #Teaparty = #fail. @FreedomWorks = #fail. Glenn Reynolds = #fail. If you don't want want more #fail, get new leaders. #sgp #tcot #sgp
#Teaparty equals #fail. If Dick Armey lets them oppose amnesty, they'll fail at it just like they failed at opposing #HCR. #sgp #tpp #tcot
Smart, sane people: stand up and reject #teaparty's braindead, disreputable, proven-ineffective tactics. We need real debate, not tantrums.
#Teaparty's impact in November will be the same as their impact today. Teaparty failed, and will keep failing. #sgp #tpp #glennbeck
Looking back, would you have hired #Teaparty to block #HCR, given the choice? Of course not. It's time to fire #teaparty. #sgp #tpp #tcot
Today's #HCR #MustRead is: #GOP is going to keep losing if they follow #Teaparty's lead. #sgp #tpp #glennbeck
Who knew? Playing dress-up games, throwing tantrums, redbaiting, & all the other #teaparty tactics completely, absolutely failed. #sgp #tpp
If I had my way, we would have had real, in-depth, open questioning about #HCR #healthcare. Instead, #GOP did things #Teaparty way. #sgp
Smart, sane, mainstream opposition could have blocked/modified #HCR. Instead, the core opposition came from the braindead fringe: #teaparty
House passes #HCR bill. Don't like it? Blame #Teaparty's incredibly braindead, childish, completely incompetent opposition. #sgp #tpp
"Thank you #Teaparty for helping block #UCR!" - President #Ron Paul. #NonExistentUniverseNews #SGP #tcot #glennbeck #tpp
If you oppose amnesty, learn from #teaparty's mistakes. Do things the smart and sane way: #sgp #tpp
In the past year, #teaparty has paid almost zero attention to #immigration. Their childish antics would be just as useless against amnesty.
Fill in the blank contest: "Sending #teaparty out to block #HCR is like sending _________ out to stop _________." #sgp #glennbeck
#Teaparty = #fail. Their anti-intellectual, childish antics completely failed to block #hcr. #healthcare #sgp #tpp #tcot #glennbeck
My fellow #Teaparty patriots: if #HCR passes, we have no choice: we must leave the U.S. for some other country. That'll show 'em! #sgp #tpp
#Teaparty now smashing windows: brick thrown through Rep. Louise Slaughter's office window: #sgp #tpp #tcot
What?! #Teaparty acting stupid and childish at Russ Carnahan protest? Must be a fake video: #sgp #tpp #glennbeck
CNN: #Teaparty "Protesters hurl slurs and spit at Democrats": #sgp #tpp #tcot
Lots of links about #teaparty's highly intellectual, civil protest in DC today: #sgp #tpp #tcot
Disgusted by #teaparty's braindead, offensive tactics? Help promote the smart alternative: #sgp #tpp
At today's DC protest, the full intellectual heft of the #teaparty was on display: #sgp #tpp
What?!?! #Teaparty's intellectual response to #healtchare - tantrums and loopy signs - didn't block #HCR?!?!? Shocking. #sgp #tpp #tcot
Will #Teaparty "patriots" be real patriots and support Congress' "Reclaim American Jobs Caucus"? #sgp #tpp #tcot
Hannity's group responds: @DebbieSchlussel responds to them:
@PJTV suggestion: have your new hosts wear glasses and occasionaly look pensive then say "Oh, sorry, I was thinking about world poverty."
@BigGovt: Instead of making calls, engage brain and "cross-examine" Garamendi on video at his appearances:
Sean Hannity busted for high expenses on his "Freedom Concerts": Must credit @DebbieSchlussel
Direct link to "The Misinformed #TeaParty Movement/For an antitax group, they don't know much about taxes": #sgp #tpp
Youtube screws uploaders even more, puts redirect script on links in vid descriptions. 2007 flashback (nofollow):
@sbullockweb: sorry to hear about your problems. If you need a shoulder to cry on just DM me.
@CNN hack @andersoncooper flails on Jeopardy, loses to Cheech Marin. #UpInSmoke
#Texas governor Rick Perry sends TX National Guard helicopters to the border; they join choppers from TX Dep't of Public Safety.
America cheers as it learns that wasn't down, it was just a problem with the IP I used. Celebrate!
Christiane Amanpour ditches sinking @CNN for ABC. @JonKleinCNN dumped Dobbs, hired Erick "Pulp" Erickson. Does Klein own Fox stock?
Sleazy @JimWallis: "pray [amnesty] into passage": Discredit him on video: #sgp shared server is down, and so too is host's sites: and I should just move peek, others to ASO too.
88% of machinists agree: "The Democratic Party doesn't represent working people as strongly as they used to." #tlot #p2
@PJTV: Brandi Milloy's reporting might have more credibility if she dressed "smarter". Like in a schoolgirl outfit or like a librarian.
While I start on my 3rd 40 of green-colored SteelReserve, you watch the Pogues: #Irish #StPatricks St Patty's Day
I need to keep track of all the dumb things Glenn Reynolds & #teaparty say. Is there a database that can hold a yottabyte of data? #sgp #tpp
Compare to or Need help summarizing how dumb he is. #teaparty #sgp
O'Reilly interview w/ Janet Napolitano = puffball. If anyone wants to do a public service, ask her this on video:
"DHS worksite enforcement against illegal aliens plummeted under Obama, Napolitano": (other stats show diff pictr)
"All of the [things she says BHO admin is doing] are acting as a deterrent". You betcha, like this:
Big Sister Janet Napolitano on O'Reilly discussing "virtual border" being halted. The "numbers are all going in the right direction"...
Lots and lots of #Irish Music Videos in this feed: #StPatricksDay #Ireland #NowPlaying
Peter Paul & Mary w/ the #Irish song The Rising of the Moon: #StPatricksDay
#Teaparty: Krikorian at NRO wants you to call Dick Armey and ask him a question: #sgp #tpp #tcot #glennbeck
If #Teaparty were smart, they'd help @StevePoizner against @Whitman2010 over #immigration: Of course... #sgp #tpp #fail: smears doctors w/ bogus poll not from @NEJM. + leaving medicine not same as turning back on U.S. ("going Galt")
Physics quiz for @JonKleinCNN: Will @CNN ship sink faster when weighted from "both" sides? (Erick "Beat politicians to a pulp" Erickson)