
@GlennBeck laughs it up on guy's house burning down: Ignores externalities (a #libertarian trait). #teaparty #sgp
@zjemptv: you should do a #Teaparty video. Background: #sgp #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg #GlennBeck #tpp
♪ is the new Official #Teaparty #SGP Anthem, due to the title and the general horribleness of it. #NowPlaying #p2
@SharronAngle: thanks for the ad, I'll take credit for the concept. However, you should have run it by @NumbersUSA etc. first. #teaparty
@SharronAngle finally makes resources argument against anti-American #DREAMAct: #teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra #p2
@elise_foley: you failed very simple math: or or, if you wish, musical chairs.
Pew: " #immigration does not rank as a top voting issue for Hispanics": #teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra #GOP #p2 #tlot
#teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra #tlot #p2 #CAGov challenge: defend what @JerryBrown2010 / @Whitman2010 said in debate:
@SharronAngle wouldn't call Reid on depriving Americans of college: #NVSen #teaparty #sgp #Nevada #tcot #ocra
@PJTV says U.S. becoming like Quebec, doesn't mention #immigration: #huh #incroyable #teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra
@Catballou: why can't you answer my two questions for you? (yes, that's a rhetorical question) #p2 #tlot #teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra
@art2u2: did #Harvard take a #Harvard education away from a citizen? Only reply to that question, yes or no. #p2
@art2u2: what is it about math you don't understand? College educations are a finite resource. Can you add and subtract?
Hilarious new #AmericanDad clip, with context this time: #Garfield #Cheetos #funny #ToMeAtLeast
@Catballou: I've asked you two questions, you refused to answer. Let me know when you have answers, not before. #p2 #tlot #teaparty #sgp
@Catballou: under whose legal system are Americans "illegal"? You're denying the sovereignty of the U.S., which isn't unexpected. #p2 #tlot
@Catballou: let me repeat: is depriving citizens of college pro-American, or anti-American? Answer yes or no. #p2 #tlot
@Catballou: argument against is based on easy #math: college slots and discounts are a zero sum game. #p2
@Catballou: you're a dolt and you're wasting my time. I've been calling out employers - and their enablers like you - since 2002. #p2 #tlot
@Catballou: 3of3: is depriving citizens of college pro-American, or anti-American? Answer yes or no. #p2 #tlot #tcot #teaparty #sgp #TopProg
@Catballou: 2of3: further, despite what you think, illegal aliens can't serve in military. (only when war declared, not now) #p2 #tlot #tcot
@Catballou: 1of3: you're a dolt. A glance would show I use legally-correct "illegal aliens", not "illegals" as you claimed. #p2 #tlot #tcot
@heywho: [starts a large quantity of coffee]: Bakke is about AffAction; nothing to do w/ what I referred to:
♪ '89 10,000 Maniacs / Natalie Merchant w/ Headstrong: #MusicMonday #NowPlaying #sgp #teaparty
@heywho: that's not what I asked you. When you have an answer, let me know.
@heywho: is depriving citizens of college pro-American, or anti-American? #DoltTwins
@Catballou: instead of wasting my time with ad homs, try and make an argument. Are you saying depriving citizens of college is pro-American?
Millions of Americans out of work, #MarcoRubio list of ways to create jobs has nothing about immigration. #FLSen #Florida #tcot #ocra #sgp
@Catballou: #TeapartyDumb not limited to #Teaparty. Reid's anti-American bill: #NVSen #sgp #p2 #tlot #tcot
@TheTwisters: how come Rubio's list of ways to create jobs says nothing about immigration?
@marcorubio list of ways to create jobs says nothing about #immigration. As dumb and corrupt as I expect from #teaparty types. #sgp #tcot
♪ Lucia Popp w/ Song to the Moon: #Dvorak #opera #MusicMonday #NowPlaying #sgp #teaparty
♪ Raduza w/ Studeny nohy: good #guitar sound #Czech #MusicMonday #NowPlaying #WorkerAndParasite #sgp #teaparty
@slone: #teaparty #sgp #tpp is completely unable to do anything *effective* against race card because, frankly, they're idiots. #tcot #ocra
@PMgeezer: how does the trash left behind by #OneNation compare to the pollution spewed by @Kochtopus and other #Teaparty backers? #sgp #tpp
@SharronAngle is as bogus as #Teaparty. She didn't point out Reid's anti-American plan would deprive citizens of college. #sgp #NVSen #tcot
The phrase "we should shrink gov't.", translated to #Teaparty: "We must SHRINK gov't to KEEP them from STEALING my THOUGHTS." #sgp #tcot #p2
Top #Teaparty Thinkers for Oct '10! #5: @DLoesch #6: Ted Nugent #1: Jon Voight #4: Glenn Reynolds #3: Chuck Norris #sgp #tpp #tcot #ocra
Bell, CA = gov't not working as planned. Firefighters watching house burn = #libertarian #teaparty #sgp #tpp ideas working as planned. #tcot
Glad I didn't watch @Whitman2010 @JerryBrown2010 debate: I would have defenstrated the TV. Would take hours to explain all wrong with it.
Transcript of #GoMeg @JerryBrown = a scary preview of #California future. #immigration #teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra live stream discussing #GoMeg @JerryBrown debate. #immigration #teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg
In the last, note the defensive tone of Palumbo, Gilchrist as they fall into the race card trap, give it more power. #teaparty #sgp #tcot
Illegal #immigration supporters act like #teaparty, disrupt #RhodeIsland meeting: #p2 #tlot #sgp #ocra #tcot #tpp
@marthacoakley covering for AFSCME, SEUI funded illegal #immigration supporting group? #Mass #tlot #p2 #sgp #tcot
This new #AmericanDad clip would be hilarious, but it's missing the context: #cheetos #Garfield
List of poorly-run states: #California @ #49. Mass #immigration = root cause. #Dems #GOP #Teaparty would worsen.
♪ Wappasou: just can't get enough '76 #French #Avant #ProgRock #Symphonic #Chamber #Folk #MusicMonday #NowPlaying
#Teaparty candidates have lowest favorabilities: #darn #Communist #polls! #sgp #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg
#Teaparty candidates have very low favorability: #darn #Communist #polls! #sgp #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg
@mleewelch: Cavanaugh crediting G. Arellano: OK. Not knowing he's fmr MEChA member & worse: yet more #libertarian #stupidity. #teaparty #sgp
ICE hindering FOIA requests: #transparency #p2 #tlot #TopProg #sgp #tcot #ocra
@jamesokeefeiii: #CNN isn't afraid of you, you're a gnat to them. When you want to oppose them rather than play:
#teaparty #libertarian #Randroid ideas are bad for society: (house burns as firemen watch) #sgp #tcot #ocra #tpp
@1SupremeGoddess: #teaparty almost completely ignored immigration for >year. Not exactly active and informed. TP should pose somewhere else.
#Teaparty #sgp challenge: give me even one (1) example of you taking *effective* action against race-card players. #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot
If your opposition to the far-left begins & *ends* w/ opposing even reasonable restribution, #teaparty #sgp is for you. #GOP #tcot #tlot #p2
Key part of bogus #teaparty #sgp opposition to far-left is almost completely ignoring major parts ("social issues") of far-left ideology.
@LibertyBelle4: example: both Clinton and @Kochtopus pushed #NAFTA. Minor self-interest opposition to Mexican trucks from unions, that's it.
@LibertyBelle4: the most #Dem leaders want is "fair trade", i.e., "free trade" with handrails. #teaparty #sgp #ocra #tcot #GOP #p2 #tlot
@LibertyBelle4: #teaparty #sgp #ocra leaders; #tcot #GOP; #Dems #p2 #tlot: all bad on "free trade".
@56forfreedom: illegal aliens confer power & money on unions. Bogus #teaparty movement almost completely ignored immigration for >year.
@jlsemmel: illegal aliens confer power & money on unions. Bogus #teaparty mvmt almost completely ignored immigration for >year.
#Teaparty year-long "silent protest" against illegal #immigration followed their eight-year "silent protest" against Bush. #bogus #sgp #tcot
@rwbeagle: illegal aliens give unions money, power. #Teaparty said almost zero about illegal #immigration for >year. #sgp #tcot #tpp #tlot
@GregWHoward: SEIU gets money, power from illegal aliens. #Teaparty said ~nothing about illegal #immigration for >year. #sgp #tcot #tpp #p2
#twothingsthatdontmix: @SharronAngle and sanity. #RandPaul and sanity. In fact, entire #teaparty movement and sanity. #sgp #tcot #ocra #GOP
#p2 #p21 #tlot #TopProg: some #Teaparty #Randroid ideas would send us back to feudal times. Despite that, ~all you can do is play race card.
#p2 #p21 #tlot #TopProg: just how fringe would #teaparty ideas have to be before you could discredit them on those ideas? #sgp #tcot #GOP
#p2 #p21 #tlot #TopProg: #teaparty have insane #Randroid ideas, but still you can't discredit them on policy and have to engage in smears.
#Teaparty #sgp #tcot #GOP king Carl Paladino took $3 million tax break to create jobs, created just 25 new jobs:
#teaparty: here's something you might be capable of: are 2-point conversions more likely than touchdowns from 1st downs at same distance?
@nickgillespie: stop wasting everyone's time w/ weak questions: #OneNation #libertarian #teaparty #p2 #Orbison
@doctorow: re Daffy/Beck cartoon, isn't such sleaze more in Xeni's line, especially since one goal is to enable illegal #immigration?
Hah: boingboing dot com is a parked landing page apparently not owned by dot net.
Daffy Duck cartoon is disreputable because takes quotes out of context, etc. #GlennBeck #teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tpp
Beyond disreputable cartoon: Daffy Duck as #GlennBeck fan: #teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg #tpp
@joebiden: no, the jar said *nothing* about dill, just pepper and garlic. But, there it is. Yuck. Do coyotes eat pickles, do you know?
@DLoesch: how does the trash left on the Mall compare to @Kochtopus pollution? #teaparty #sgp #tcot #tpp #OneNation #p2 #tlot #TopProg
@amandacarpenter: how does the trash left on the Mall compare to @Kochtopus pollution? #teaparty #sgp #tcot #tpp #OneNation #p2 #tlot
@DefendGlenn: #teaparty #sgp #tcot #tpp are little more than useful idiots for heavy-polluting @Kochtopus. #OneNation #p2 #tlot #TopProg
@DefendGlenn: #OneNation trash is indicative and indicates lack of planning. At same time, #teaparty #sgp #tcot #tpp are little more than...
@exposeliberals: #teaparty #sgp #tcot #tpp are little more than useful idiots for heavy-polluting @Kochtopus. #OneAmerica #p2 #tlot #TopProg
@exposeliberals: #OneAmerica trash is indicative and indicates lack of planning. At same time, #teaparty #sgp #tcot are little more than...
#Teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra is intellectually, emotionally defenseless against toxic, anti-American terms like "Whitestock". Not on my side.
#Teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra: you'll *never* out-beancount far-left #OneNation #p2 #tlot yet your leaders try and thus prove they're idiots.
@AndrewBreitbart: smartest #teaparty #sgp #tcot type not even smart enough to do something about sleaze like @nicolebelle 's "Whitestock"
Want to learn how to swear in variety of foreign languages & mangled English? See channel comments:
@dailycal: Ask John Yoo about how to save #California for real: #p2 #tlot #TopProg #teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra
@SamSeder: some of your tweets are funny. Keep up the good work!
@AndrewBreitbart: just left ("wacko") a comment on @EricBoehlert @MMFA entry: PayPal me $10.
First few words of some #Teaparty quotes sometimes make sense. They lose me with the "Obama is STEALING my brain WAVES" endings. #sgp #tcot
Secure Communities is mandatory, over objections of San Francisco and others:
@1010 #EcoFascist types are just as bad as the anti- #Green types funded by @Kochtopus. Both would scr*w you, just different ways.
The violent #EcoFascist fantasy vid @1010 posted (then pulled): #teaparty #sgp #tcot #ocra #p2 #tlot #TopProg #wk
@ResistTyranny: #teaparty in general almost completely ignored #immigration for >year. Mar '10: #sgp #tcot #ocra
@ResistTyranny: 1of2: I haven't & won't review your Tweeting History. However, I'm going to stick with what I said before because it's true.
Pochemu does Twitter search dumaet that moi music tweets aren't po angliiski? Ne ponimayu.
@ResistTyranny: further, I realize #teaparty is a headless movement and you might be different. However, in general, TP has ignored immig.
@ResistTyranny: I don't subscribe/read you save search. But, emphasizing Teh Gay isn't the way to oppose amnesty; my tweet was about that.
