Donald Trump finally makes a smart argument against mass immigration
After nearly two years of intensely stupid plans and arguments about immigration that - as reality demonstrates - would only work if the world were run by Breitbart News, Donald Trump has finally made a smart argument against mass immigration. If he repeats it without junking it up, he could use it to finally do a national service and undercut those who support mass refugee resettlement and mass immigration in general. That's, of course, a tall order: Trump and his fan club have consistently helped the wrong side in various ways. And, there's probably very little chance Trump himself came up with the argument so he'll probably revert to his past failed arguments.
Without further ado, here's the relevant passage from his speech in Saudi Arabia where he addressed terrorism and Islam (transcript link):
I also applaud Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon for their role in hosting refugees. The surge of migrants and refugees leaving the Middle East depletes the human capital needed to build stable societies and economies. Instead of depriving this region of so much human potential, Middle Eastern countries can give young people hope for a brighter future in their home nations and regions.
As far as I know, Trump has never said anything like that before, and I can't recall any conservative making the same argument. Yet, that's one of the key arguments that can be used to undercut those who support mass immigration. For instance, you can see me using it in my campaign against the Immigrant Doctors Project, on the DREAM Act page, on the skilled immigration page, and elsewhere. It doesn't just apply to refugees from the Middle East, but to those from other regions like Latin America and Asia.
It's doubtful Trump wrote the quote above, came up with the idea on his own, or has internalized it because he supports the DREAM Act despite how it would deprive countries like Mexico of the "human capital" they need to press for reforms and reduce corruption.
To help increase the chances Trump internalizes that argument, contact his leading supporters and proxies and ask them when Trump will make a similar argument against the DREAM Act and when - instead of just calling people names - he'll use that argument to undercut specific journalists and specific politicians who promote mass immigration.