Tweets to 😷 sean spitzer

😷 sean spitzer's avatar
Twitter handle: 
😷 sean spitzer
oh nv or dc
a podium is what you stand on and a lectern is what you stand behind. formerly digital for @sherrodbrown @nvdems & @jeffmerkley
Tweets to this user:
Julia Ioffe's avatar
From @juliaioffe
Coming up on @CNN with @donlemon. Tune in!
😷 sean spitzer's avatar
From @snsptzr
@juliaioffe @CNN @donlemon home you make some don lemonade!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@snsptzr: if an opponent was incredibly weak on policy & his signature issues - his selling points, his raisons d'etre - were vaporware but you never went after those but instead fell for his trolls & misread his problems, would you have kept your job? @juliaioffe is like that.