goldman sachs

goldman sachs: Page 1

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Center for American Progress corporate funders and immigration - 12/14/13

The leftwing Center for American Progress has released a list of their corporate funders for 2013 [1]. Several of the funders have a financial interest in higher immigration and in comprehensive immigration reform.

2010 donors to Marco Rubio: Club for Growth, Koch brothers, finance, Goldman Sachs... - 02/24/13

For a possible clue to why Marco Rubio does what he does, these were the top 10 donors to his 2010 senatorial campaign (link):

Claim: Mitt Romney said he won't flip flop on immigration at millionaires' meeting (Murdoch, Blankfein, Home Depot, Univision, Giuliani) - 07/02/12

This is all just hearsay, but it would be interesting if it turns out to be true [1]: Mitt Romney last week told a private group of potential supporters and business and media elites, including Rupert Murdoch, that he was treading carefully around the issue of immigration to avoid looking like a "flip-flopper."

Do Glenn Reynolds & Spencer Jakab of FT really think California needs a torturing dictator to keep spending under control? - 04/05/10

Spencer Jakab of the Financial Times offers the blog post "California and Kazakhstan - just who is the underdog?" ( Referring to a letter that California treasurer Bill Lockyer sent to Goldman Sachs complaining about them marketing default swaps that "wrongly brand our bonds as a greater risk than those issued by such nations as Kazakhstan", Spencer Jakob says: ...Californians may derive their hazy image of Kazakhstan from Borat, Sacha Baron Cohen's satirical take on a country where he claims the main forms of entertainment include the "running of the Jew". The real...

Maybe John Richardson of Esquire should try some real reporting (Ben Smith, HotAir, Orly Taitz) - 08/12/09

The campaign by the Beltway establishment to discredit anyone who dares questions the official story of Barack Obama's past rolls on as John Richardson of Esquire offers "What Really Happens When You Demand the President Produce His Birth Certificate?" [1].

AIG bonuses: just a cover for tens of billions to their counterparties? - 03/17/09

That's what disgraced former New York governor Eliot Spitzer thinks (link): Everybody is rushing to condemn AIG's bonuses, but this simple scandal is obscuring the real disgrace at the insurance giant: Why are AIG's counterparties getting paid back in full, to the tune of tens of billions of taxpayer dollars?

World Economic Forum (Davos) pushing global governance, global TV, Law of Sea Treaty - 01/27/09

The World Economic Forum will be meeting in Davos starting on the 28th, and see this for all the details on one of their key documents as well as the media sources that haven't disclosed the fact that they're sponsors as well as much, much more. Here's a snippet: "The Global Agenda 2009" report says that "sovereign states do not adequately address problems reaching across borders" and that "international taxation" may be needed to generate the "additional resources" for "global governance... ...As current global governance problems come from market failures, sovereign failures and...

Ninety four wealthy families gave Obama campaign $14.4 million - 01/18/09

From our "Now They Tell Us!" file, the Washington Post offers "The Donors Who Gave Big, and Often" by Kimberly Kindy and Sarah Cohen, link. 94 wealthy individuals, couples, and families were able to donate $14.4 million to the Obama campaign by taking advantage of various loopholes regarding being able to donate to different entities. And, some of those loopholes were brought to us due to McCain Feingold. Some of those donors were also bundlers, with six of the 94 bundling $500,000 or more. While the full dollar amount they contributed is even less than the amount of questionable foreign...