new york city
new york city: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Was Trump going easy on ISIS or just lying about hitting ISIS "10 times harder" after NYC attack? - 11/04/17
From [1] (bolding added):
President Trump referred to [the perpetrator of the NYC bikepath attack] as "an animal" this morning as he took questions from reporters before departing for Hawaii and a 13-day, five-nation tour of Asia.
"When we have an animal do an attack like he did the other day on the west side of Manhattan, we are hitting them 10 times harder," Trump said. "They claimed him as a soldier - Good luck. Every time they hit us [and] we know it's ISIS, we hit them like you folks won't believe."
New York City Municipal ID card: profits for banks, cover for criminals and terrorists - 09/19/14
New York City has passed a law to give municipal identification cards to any qualifying resident of that city, regardless of immigration status [1]. Like similar efforts in other cities, the real goals include building up a political power base for politicians and enriching major banks.
In the case of the NYC card, they're specifically covering up for future criminals and terrorists. Here are some of the issues with the card:
Bill de Blasio's immigration position will enrich the wealthy, harm American poor (New York City) - 10/15/13
If you're an illegal alien, New York City mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio wants you to know that you're welcome in NYC. And, if you're a corrupt company or bank that wants to profit from illegal immigration, Bill de Blasio wants to help you make more money too.
"Turning Your Back on People Who Are Starving and Freezing is not a Republican Value" (Pete King, Sandy aid bill) - 01/02/13
The video below shows Rep. Pete King fuming about the GOP voting down a relief bill for victims of Hurricane Sandy, saying among other things (link):
"Turning your back on people who are starving and freezing is not a Republican value"
Occupy Wall Street removed from Zuccotti Park: what they should do now - 11/15/11
Early this morning, Michael Bloomberg and the NYPD cleared out Zuccotti Park in New York City, home of the Occupy Wall Street ("OWS") encampment (link).
Is Terry Goddard the right choice for governor of Arizona? Part 1 - 06/13/10
Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard is running for governor of that state, and he recently conducted a fundraising tour in New York City ("New York City?"). Erik Eckholm of the New York Times says (
"Please give us help in trying to defend what really matters," Mr. Goddard told the lunch group. He accused Republicans of diverting attention from the state's dire economic condition and the true border problem: crime and violence associated with drug cartels.
Goddard's definition of "what really matters" differs from most Americans; a clear...
Three arrested in Times Square plot may have tried to gain citizenship through marriage - 05/23/10
Per this, three of those held in relation to the Times Square bomb plot in New York City recently married American citizens, and those may have been attempts to become naturalized citizens. Note that the three haven't been charged, and it's not clear whether they were just money couriers or whether they knew of the bomb plot.
Nancy Morawetz costs NYC $145,000; NYC releases illegal aliens onto the street - 05/09/10
From this:
An illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet got a $145,000 parting gift from New York City taxpayers before he was deported, after city lawyers decided his civil rights had been violated when he was held too long on Rikers Island.
Federal rules allow local law enforcement to detain suspected illegal immigrants for 48 hours after their criminal cases are resolved, to give Immigration and Customs Enforcement a chance to pick them up and move them to federal facilities.
Former Brooklyn resident Cecil Harvey, 55 -- backed by an immigration-rights advocacy group -- argued that his rights...
2009 immigration marches get tea party-level turnout (actually even less) - 05/01/09
The 2009 marches in support of illegal immigration are getting a turn-out roughly equivalent to that of the tea parties or less. For the high side of figures, turn to the Fair Immigration Reform Movement at
Louis Caldera ordered Air Force One fly-by that terrified New Yorkers - 04/27/09
Earlier today one of the two Air Force One 747s together with F-16s did a fly-by over New York City, terrorizing office workers who thought it might be another 9/11 attack. Instead, it was an unspecified training mission described by others as a "photo op" SEE THE UPDATE. And, it was approved by White House Military Office Director Louis Caldera, who's now apologized, saying (link):
"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision... While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, its...
WeAreChange "reporter" arrested for trying to ask Mayor Mike Bloomberg a question? - 03/29/09
From this:
WeAreChange founder and activist Luke Rudkowski was arrested at the Hilton Hotel on Manhattan [March 28] for attempting to question New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg about his refusal to pay for the health care of 9/11 first responders. Rudkowski had Infowars press credentials and a video camera when he was singled out by Bloombergโs security in the lobby of the hotel located at West 53rd Street and Avenue of the Americas (Sixth Avenue).
My reactions, in order:
1. Good.
2. OK, maybe I shouldn't have said "good", but there's probably something we aren't being told about what he...
Number of immigrants in New York state: less than 4 million. Number of illegal aliens: more than 500,000 - 03/11/09
In November 2007, the Fiscal Policy Institute offered the report "Working for a Better Life/A Profile of Immigrants in the New York State Economy" ( which was co-produced with the New York Immigration Coalition.
Most literate cities of 2008: NYC at #24, L.A. at #56 - 12/26/08
The "America's Most Literate Cities 2008" list has been released by Central Connecticut State University: link. Things like this generally fall into the FWIW/"for entertainment purposes only" category due to the varying definitions of "literate" and so forth. And, some sections of a given city are more "literate" than others, and some cities may be more cohesively "literate" vs certain others which only have a few islands of "literate-ness" scattered about.
Felipe Calderon Feb. 2008 U.S. visit: Eliot Spitzer, Blagojevich, Schwarzenegger, Villaraigosa, Fabian Nunez - 02/09/08
Mexico's president Felipe Calderon will be visiting parts of their former territory next week, stopping in New York, Boston, Chicago, Sacramento, and Los Angeles but apparently avoiding Washington DC.
In addition to U.S. officials, and some who are supposedly U.S. officials, he'll probably also be meeting with community leaders, such as those from non-profits, "hometown associations", the leaders of his PAN party who operate inside the U.S., and the like. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find a listing, but if anyone could leave information in comments that would be quite helpful.
Special PSL public forum on immigrant rights - 09/21/07
picture of flyer
Promotes a "special public forum on immigrant rights" which was to be held on [[October 20, 2006]] in New York City. Tag lines: "Build a movement to fight back!", "Stop government and Minutemen attacks!"
Lists just the following as "guest speakers":
Reportback from the Youth Conference for the Cuban Five - 07/01/07
"by Chris Banks / May 28, 2007" link:
New York Coalition to Expand Voting Rights - 02/21/07
Coalition that wants to give "immigrants" voting rights in New York City.
"Statement of Principles":
One of those is: "We need to close the gap between local government and the people it serves. New York government officials 'do not adequately reflect the faces of the people they represent."
Members of the group: