United Teachers of Los Angeles
Summary (posts follow):
From utla.net/aboutus/index.php:
United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) was created in 1970 from more than a dozen different organizations representing teachers and support service personnel throughout the massive Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). A merger of the two major rival groups, American Federation of Teachers Local #1021 and the Association of Classroom Teachers of Los Angeles in that year succeeded in bringing all non-administrative, certificated personnel under the one banner of UTLA and its affiliates, the California Teachers Association (CTA), the National Education Association (NEA), and the American Federal of Teachers, AFL CIO.
Last modified Feb 21, 2011
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
March 10 Committee - 10/30/07
Also known as the March 10 Movement, March 10 Coalition, Diez de Marzo Committee.
Home page at movimiento10demarzo.org
At their site, they declare their unconditional support for Elvira Arellano as well as all other "immigrants" who are in the process of being deported. They also call on all those immigrants who are being deported to apply for asylum and to seek asylum in local churches.
They also oppose employer sanctions and programs to check the SSNs of employees.
CNN Lou Dobbs transcript 032007 - 03/21/07
...A pro-amnesty group tonight is threatening to form a human chain around the federal building in Los Angeles. All of that to protest what it calls the Bush administration's terror campaign against illegal aliens.
...CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The groups behind last year's pro-illegal alien amnesty demonstrations are organizing new marches and boycotts to pressure federal authority to stop deporting illegal aliens.
JAVIER RODRIGUEZ, MARCH 25 COALITION: We need 1,000 people to encircle the immigration headquarters, ICE headquarters, the federal building, to send our...
National May 1st Movement for Worker and Immigrant Rights - 03/18/07
Affiliated with the March 25 Coalition and was formed at the [[February 3, 2007]] meeting hosted by that group at which various forces organized the Great American Boycott II.
site: www.maydaymovement.blogspot.com
The March 25 Coalition flyer lists their contact information:
c/o [[United Teachers Los Angeles]] 3303 Wilshire Ave. 10th fl. Los Angeles CA 90010 213-???-????
"L.A.'s schools bleed red ink" - 09/13/05
Gosh, what could be causing the Los Angeles Unified School District to be in such a financial bind? This current story appears to have many culprits, including the beloved teachers' union. But, there's only so much money to go around, and any money spent on educating a citizen of another country is money that could be spent on our own citizens and on health benefits for teachers and such.
Acknowledging that their effort will probably lead nowhere, Los Angeles Unified school board members will try again today to figure out how to pay for billions of dollars in retirement health...