john avlon
john avlon: Page 1
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How "centrist" will No Labels be on immigration? - 11/26/10
There's a new "centrist" group called No Labels in town [1], but they actually appear to be just a vehicle for a presidential run by Michael Bloomberg. And, it looks like on immigration and trade they'll support policies that are establishment-friendly but which cause harm to everyone else.
One of the leaders of the group is former George W Bush advisor Mark McKinnon, and one of those who'll be appearing at their kickoff announcement is Antonio Villaraigosa. Another person involved is John Avlon. And, another person involved in some way is former Los Angeles Times editor Andres Martinez (...
Kitty Pilgrim of CNN lies, smears over Obama certificate issue (John Avlon and Errol Louis lie) - 07/20/09
On the video from CNN at, Kitty Pilgrim attempts to "debunk" the Obama citizenship issue and shows that she's simply a dissembling mainstream media hack. The discussion features Orly Taitz and Alan Keyes on one side, and John Avlon and Errol Louis on the other. Rather than trying to get the facts of the matter, Pilgrim persistently engages in mockery, as do Avlon and Louis.
Pilgrim first leads off with a summary of the issue; here are the problems with what she says:
* She refers to Obama's "birth certificate", saying it shows he was born in Hawaii. See this for why...