tim russert
tim russert: Page 1
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John McCain would sign his own amnesty bill as president; tries co-opting attrition - 01/28/08
Yesterday, Tim Russert asked John McCain:
"If the Senate passed your bill, S.1433, the McCain/Kennedy immigration bill, would you as president sign it?
McCain replied:
"Yeah. But look, the lesson is, it isn't - one, it isn't going to come. It isn't going to come."
Video here.
In other news, McCain is now trying to pretend to embrace the attrition concept, whereby we'd enforce our laws and reduce non-emergency services now to encourage many or most illegal aliens to go home voluntarily. However, he only presents it as a side-effect of an amnesty rather than suggesting it as an...
Tim Russert/MSNBC Democratic "debate" features journalistic incompetence - 09/26/07
The Democrats are offering yet another debate this evening, broadcast on MSNBC and featuring Tim Russert as moderator. He and a "reporter" from a Northeast TV network just asked the candidates whether they supported sanctuary cities. Then, Russert and the "reporter" just listened as the candidates blathered on. All of them supported sanctuary cities, with (of course) Kucinich and Gravel being the most extreme and the latter being the most incoherent.
The only thing Russert did was press them to answer the question; he didn't call them on any of the ensuing misleading statements nor did he...