rachel maddow
rachel maddow: Page 1
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Democrats, far-left praise Marco Rubio's immigration moves (NCLR; Sharry; IPC; Obama and Gutierrez spox) - 01/20/13
In a January 18, 2013 press release, Marco Rubio lists some of the supposed conservatives who support his immigration amnesty plan ( peekURL.com/zycdzeU ).
To be balanced, here are some positive mentions of his plan (or at least support for his actions on comprehensive immigration reform) from those Rubio should be opposing on immigration: the Democrats and the far-left.
Why is Fast and Furious an approved topic for establishment conservatives and libertarians? - 06/24/12
I was more than a bit surprised to see Nick Gillespie of Reason Magazine squaring off with Rachel Maddow over Fast and Furious - and taking the American side of that issue [1].
Brave New Foundation, Rachel Maddow think you're gullible (FAIR, immigration, SB1070) - 04/25/12
The video below shows Rachel Maddow and Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films thinking you're a gullible sucker in at least two ways.
2010 Elections: Democrats lose the "white vote" (but fewer voters under 45) - 11/03/10
From [1]:
Republicans won whites in Tuesday's national House vote by a 22-percentage point margin (60 to 38 percent) according to exit polls. In 2006, Republicans won whites by a mere 4 points. Whites shifted at three-fold the rate of Hispanics between the two midterms, while the black vote remained steady. Democrats faired even worse than in 1994, when Republicans won whites by 16 points (58 to 42 percent) and with them, a landslide.
Rachel Maddow smear: Jan Brewer, SB1070, and CCA private prisons (Arizona, Morgan Loew) - 09/07/10
Rachel Maddow and others are implying an absurd claim: that Arizona governor Jan Brewer signed SB 1070 - that state's new immigration law - in part to profit Corrections Corporation of America. CCA has a contract with the Department of Homeland Security's ICE agency to provide immigration detention facilities, and two people linked to Brewer are also linked to CCA. For background from far-left illegal immigration supporters, see this and this; the Morgan Loew report from KPHO is here; Brewer's campaign manager responds here [1].
On the video at peekURL.com/v19y5iz (transcript here) Maddow...
NYT: Adam Nagourney, Carl Hulse lie about Rand Paul quote (corrected on the Maddow show) - 05/24/10
On May 20, Carl Hulse and Adam Nagourney of the New York Times offered "Tea Party Pick Causes Uproar on Civil Rights" (nytimes.com/2010/05/21/us/politics/21paul.html), containing this completely false (and still uncorrected) statement about Rand Paul's appearance on the Rachel Maddow show:
Asked by Ms. Maddow if a private business had the right to refuse to serve black people, Mr. Paul replied, βYes.β
He didn't say "yes", but "yeah", and only in the sense of "now that you're finished speaking let me get a chance" or similar. The "yeah" wasn't a response to Maddow's question, it was just...
Rachel Maddow outrageously lies about Arizona immigration law - 04/24/10
The video at peekURL.com/vzfn684 shows Rachel Maddow lying to her viewers about the provisions of the new Arizona immigration law. She says:
It's remarkable legislation that requires police officers in Arizona to demand the paperwork of anyone they think looks like he or she might be an illegal immigrant... ...[Referencing Jan Brewer's comments] There will be no racial profiling in Arizona... except for the part where police officers now have to stop you if they think you look illegal.
Rather than repeat myself, please see this post about CNN lying using highly similar lines. Anne Kornblut...
Tea Party Nation cheap publicity stunt? Say they banned Rachel Maddow, but she never joined - 01/07/10
[UPDATE: I changed the title of this post from "Tea Party Nation bans Rachel Maddow seven minutes after she joined; no dissent will be tolerated!" to the present because Maddow says the person who they banned wasn't her: link. I assumed that Teaparty Nation had verified it was her either by doing a reverse DNS or through direct communication. Either they didn't do that, or - as Maddow says - this is just an attempt to get publicity. In either case they don't look too good and me either for not confirming it.]
Tea Party Nation sent out the following email today. They're the group that will be...
Classy: Rachel Maddow "apparently" recants outrageous smear of Rush Limbaugh - 10/20/09
As was discussed here back in June, Rachel Maddow smeared Rush Limbaugh by falsely claiming that he'd said that James Earl Ray deserved a "posthumous Medal of Honor" when that quote had simply been made up by someone at Wikiquote. Now, finally, four months later, Maddow has offered a non-correction "correction". Per this, on last night's show on MSNBC she said (bolding added):
And finally, a quote falsely attributed to talk show host Rush Limbaugh recently it resurfaced during the debate over whether or not he would or should be part of a group bidding to buy the St. Louis Rams football steam...
Census worker found hanged in Kentucky; see who's politicizing it - 09/24/09
[UPDATE: Police say it was a suicide]
Dave Weigel lies about Obama certificate issue *again* (Rachel Maddow, "Birthers") - 07/23/09
Dave Weigel of the Washington Independent appeared on the Rachel Maddow show to discuss the "Birther" movement a couple days ago; the video is attached. If you trust Weigel's reporting, keep reading because, in addition to being disingenuous, he uttered two major lies.
WikiQuote's bogus, circular smear of Rush Limbaugh (Jack Huberman; James Earl Ray quote) - 06/17/09
Wikiquote - affiliated with Wikipedia - is using as a source for an almost assuredly bogus and highly inflammatory Rush Limbaugh quote a book that was published 10 months after the unattributed quote was added to the same Wikiquote page.
The 06:01, 20 July 2005 revision of en.wikiquote.org/w/index.php?title=Rush_Limbaugh (by someone using the IP address, more at [1]) was the first appearance in the entry of this supposed Rush quote:
You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed.
Annoying: Rachel Maddow misleads about Employee Free Choice Act - 03/10/09
Just because I run a site about Air America doesn't mean I actually listen to them. So, it's understandable that I've only seen Rachel Maddow - now of MSNBC - two times. The first time was for a lightweight supposed "take down" of Pat Buchanan which was just a use of smears and innuendo rather than any sort of attempt to counter his points.