2010 Elections: Democrats lose the "white vote" (but fewer voters under 45)
From [1]:
Republicans won whites in Tuesday's national House vote by a 22-percentage point margin (60 to 38 percent) according to exit polls. In 2006, Republicans won whites by a mere 4 points. Whites shifted at three-fold the rate of Hispanics between the two midterms, while the black vote remained steady. Democrats faired even worse than in 1994, when Republicans won whites by 16 points (58 to 42 percent) and with them, a landslide.
The CNN exit polls are at these links:
2004 (cnn . com/ELECTION/2004/pages/results/states/US/H/00/epolls.0.html)
2006 (cnn . com/ELECTION/2006/pages/results/states/US/H/00/epolls.0.html)
2008 (cnn . com/ELECTION/2008/results/polls/#USH00p1" rel="nofollow)
2010 (cnn . com/ELECTION/2010/results/polls/#USH00p1" rel="nofollow)
Looking at the House:National polls:
* The percentages of those under 45 years are respectively: 45%, 36%, 47%, and 34%
* The white votes for Dems/GOP are respectively: 42/57, 47/51, 45/53, and 37/60.
I'll leave further statistical analysis to others, but it doesn't look like the Democrats demonizing older white people as they do was a smart move for them. Yet, the night before the election, Rachel Maddow did a long segment on her show complaining about "scared white people" [2]. And, of course, about the only argument the Democrats have been able to offer against the tea parties is to call them names and play the race card.
At the same time, the Democrats support massive immigration and they aren't shy about revealing that their goal is obtaining non-white-based racial power. Sometimes they even come right out and admit that their goal is to take power from whites.
[1] realclearpolitics . com/articles/2010/11/03/exit_polls_unprecedented_white_flight_from_democrats__107824.html
[2] mediaite . com/tv/rachel-maddows-scared-white-people-closing-argument