arizona daily star

arizona daily star: Page 1

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John Quinones to lie about Arizona SB 1070, immigration enforcement (ABC, "What Would You Do?") - 12/20/10

In early 2011, ABC News' "What Would You Do?" series - hosted by John Quinones - will broadcast an episode in which they'll lie about Arizona's new immigration law SB 1070. In fact, the segment described here would very likely be illegal and would probably generate a lawsuit. Specifically, security guards aren't empowered to enforce SB 1070, whether they're U.S. citizens or not. Arizona cops can only question someone's status after having detained them for something else and after having reasonable suspicion that those being detained are here illegally. Federal agents charged with enforcing...

Customs and Border Protection chief of staff is dual citizen (Marco Antonio Lopez) - 03/02/09

The new chief of staff of U.S. Customs and Border Protection is a dual citizen (Mexico and the U.S.) Just let that sink in.

Violent hate: protesters beat effigy of Sheriff Joe Arpaio (Isabel Garcia/Derechos Humanos) - 07/12/08

On Thursday a protest against Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio was held in front of a Tucson Barnes and Noble where he was holding a book signing. Arpaio is working with Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) to enforce immigration laws in his area, and, needless to say, those who support illegal immigration don't like that one bit. In front of the store, protesters savagely beat an effigy of Arpaio, severing it's head (video link). Then, Isabel Garcia of Derechos Humanos carried the severed head around (video link). Then, the protesters carried the body around (video link)....

Arizona Daily Star pimps "Immigration and America's Future" report - 01/21/07

The Arizona Daily (Red) Star offers an unsigned editorial called "Immigration reform in '07: fact or fiction?" A new report should serve as a reminder aThe Arizona Daily (Red) Star offers an unsigned editorial called "Immigration reform in '07: fact or fiction?" A new report should serve as a reminder โ€” as if one is needed โ€” that the United States' immigration system is broken and needs fixing. The 110th Congress should follow the report's recommendations and pass a comprehensive immigration-reform package this session. As detailed at the second link, no less than three Mexican citizens -...

Phoenix legislator supports deportations through Operation Wetback - 10/07/06

Associated Press (via Arizona Daily Star)/[[September 29, 2006]]/ link This appears to be a rewrite of the AP story Rep. Pearce calls for mass deportations. The title is a lie: Phoenix legislator supports deportations through 'Operation Wetback'

Arizona Democratic Party, Russell Pearce, and "Operation Wetback" - 09/29/06

The sleazy Arizona Democratic Party is up to its old tricks again, this time trying to smear Rep. Russell Pearce (R-AZ) over his reference to Eisenhower's "Operation Wetback" on a radio program. From their press release titled Pearce Resurrects "Operation Wetback" and subtitled Russell Pearce Longs for Pre-Civil Rights Era Immigration Program: In an interview on KJZZ Wednesday, Republican legislator Russell Pearce called for the reinstatement of Eisenhower's 1953 immigration plan, "Operation Wetback." The program, which was abolished a year later, sought to round up and deport all...

AZ Daily Star regrets hate speech headline - 04/18/06

The Arizona Daily Star's ombudsman is contrite: "Republicans Hate Latinos" read the headline on Friday's front-page in red, all-capital letters. No attribution. Just stated as fact. That quote has been in the news since labor activist Dolores Huerta used the phrase in an April 3 speech at Tucson High School. The statement appeared as a quotation above four photos, including one of Huerta. Yet in the Star's presentation, the quote was not attributed, instead presented as fact and in eye-catching red... For the details on the hate speechathon, see "High School Students Forced To Listen...

Glenn Spencer, taking the high ground? - 04/06/03

According to this: Chris Simcox, founder of the Tombstone-based Civil Homeland Defense group, and Glenn Spencer, who leads the Sierra Vista-based American Border Patrol, have long disagreed over style and approach to deterring illegal entrants. Spencer said his group aims to document and report illegal immigrants by using video cameras and other surveillance. In contrast, Simcox describes his group as a "militia," and he leads armed volunteers on patrols near the border. A recent statement by Simcox has served to incite bickering between the two men. Simcox issued this warning as part of a "...