guardian: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Whit Ayres: the GOP pollster trying to weaken Mitt Romney on immigration (Hispanic Leadership Network) - 04/27/12
For several weeks, the establishment media have been printing articles designed to weaken Mitt Romney on immigration, holding out the Hispanic vote as a carrot.
Mitt Romney *might* make immigration attrition national policy (Kobach) - 02/25/12
From [1]:
Mitt Romney has discussed the possibility of imposing a nationwide crackdown on undocumented aliens, a move that his leading immigration adviser believes could force more than a million people to quit the country every year.
Lil' fascists: Barack Obama supporters on Jerome Corsi's detention in Kenya - 10/07/08
It used to be that "liberals" would strongly oppose corrupt foreign governments "losing" paperwork in order to stifle speech. However, when things like that are done in support of Barack Obama, their response is a bit different. Here are some instances of those discussing the detention in Kenya of Jerome Corsi, author of the anti-BHO book Obama Nation. Think of these as a preview of how his supporters will act should he become president:
The ADL's definition of "hate" and "anti-immigrant" can't be trusted. (ALIPAC, others) - 10/31/07
The Anti-Defamation League - which apparently at one time did some good, but which is now a far-left Gramscian enforcer and defender of illegal activity - has released a new report entitled "Immigrants Targeted: Extremist Rhetoric Moves into the Mainstream" [1]:
A closer look at the public record reveals that many ostensibly mainstream anti-illegal immigration organizations โ including those who testified before Congress or frequently appeared on news programs โ promote virulent anti-Hispanic and anti-immigrant rhetoric. Some groups have fostered links with extremist groups.
They list...