Tweets to USA TODAY

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The latest news and most interesting stories from USA TODAY. News that's meant to be shared.
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Jill Lawrence's avatar
From @JillDLawrence
By @JoeBiden: Trump is the worst possible leader to deal with a #coronavirus outbreak. He's made us less prepared t…
Steve Caponigri's avatar
From @SteveCaponigri
@JillDLawrence @JoeBiden @USATODAY @usatodayopinion I feel like this could be a mad libs: "Trump is the worst possi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SteveCaponigri: Biden & @JillDLawrence are right that Trump is ill suited to lead #coronavirus response. How about them? Neither can figure out how to undercut an extemeley vulnerable simpleton to his base. Since they can't do something so simple, is a virus in their reach?
Jonathan Greenblatt's avatar
From @JGreenblattADL
With #HMD2020 tomorrow, we can’t forget that Holocaust denial still lives on many social platforms. I write in…
Meeche's avatar
From @meechebucco
@JGreenblattADL @TheeErin @USATODAY Everyone should just quit Facebook. Someone will come up with a new Facebook th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@meechebucco: what's ironic about your bio is @JGreenblattADL is a wannabe tyrant aka an authoritarian. He wants to control what you can see & hear. He's also too intellectually weak to show some obscure Facebook group wrong.
Caitlin Dickerson's avatar
From @itscaitlinhd
In 2017 I reported that the Trump administration was rolling back health and safety standards inside already troubl…
karen munro's avatar
From @BaileyPittipat
@itscaitlinhd @SciFleur @USATODAY The whole point is cruelty and abuse. The noose tightens daily. Trump is a malign…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BaileyPittipat: Trump's horrific, but lying isn't the way to oppose him. In her blog about what Trump is doing, @itscaitlinhd intentionally lied. Just because Trump lies doesn't mean she should get away with it. Read this with an open mind:
Jill Lawrence's avatar
From @JillDLawrence
By @SallyKohn: Elizabeth Warren is a friend to capitalists, at least those who see revolution coming…
Aaron Kinney's avatar
From @aaron_kinney
@JillDLawrence @sallykohn @USATODAY @usatodayopinion
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@aaron_kinney: @JillDLawrence was ordered to hype @sallykohn 's USAToday screed. Only you replied to her (& you got censored, see my pinned tweet) w/ a deceptive GIF. The smart way to undercut Warren is to point out *to her base* how pro-Big Biz she is on immigration.
USA TODAY's avatar
Elizabeth Warren is not opposed to a market economy. She just thinks that those markets need to work for everyone,…
JEFF's avatar
From @YouTubeJEFF9K
@USATODAY @sallykohn @usatodayopinion Republican Capitalism works for the 1%.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@YouTubeJEFF9K: @sallykohn won't mention that Warren's immigration plan would greatly help Big Biz by flooding the job market with cheap labor. It'd also scuttle her health plan: she'd decrease income while increasing costs. Do you see Big Biz opposing Warren on immigration?
Allan Piper's avatar
From @apiper13
@sallykohn @ewarren @USATODAY @usatodayDC The lack of long term self interest baffles me. History shows pretty uneq…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@apiper13: Warren's immigration stance would flood the jobs market with cheap labor, greatly helping Big Biz and harming workers. More labor = lower wages, and Warren is eager to deliver as much labor as Big Biz wants. When will "NowThis" call her on that?
Sally Kohn's avatar
From @sallykohn
. @ewarren is here to save capitalism. Capitalist, rejoice! (Or, you *should* rejoice if you know what’s in your lo…
JL's avatar
From @jlange481
@sallykohn @ewarren @USATODAY @usatodayDC Shaadddup with this garbage - Warren is a fraud - she falsified her race…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jlange481: GOP has been pushing "Pocahontas" for years. It's only helped Warren. GOP & Trump won't go after Warren where she's incredibly vulnerable: on her pro-Big Biz immigration stance. GOP & Trump won't go after her where she's weakest.
Ronald Brownstein's avatar
From @RonBrownstein
Nugget in @USATODAY Suffolk poll shows how parties' media habits split. Asked which TV/opinion source they trust mo…
The Civil Liberal's avatar
From @cfthepodcast
@RonBrownstein @USATODAY The 27% who say none are Trump’s base who will never leave him.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@cfthepodcast: it wouldn't be difficult to peel off part of Trump's base, it's just that his loudest opponents are too incredibly dim & deranged to do it. All they know to do is *help* Trump.
Laurence Tribe's avatar
From @tribelaw
Don’t be confused by the 105 Democrats now “calling for” an #ImpeachmentInquiryNow. That inquiry has BEGUN as of Fr…
Jonathan Angelo's avatar
From @JAngello85
@tribelaw @USATODAY Unless there are hearings and real momentum, I am calling it filing a petition to get informati…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JAngello85: it's always been incredibly easy to undercut Trump to his base. E.g., pointing out how fake his plans are. Steyer, @tribelaw, etc simply aren't smart enough to do that. Instead, they've only ever *helped* Trump & they'll keep helping him after he's been reelected.
Kurt Bardella's avatar
From @kurtbardella
one of the most personal piece I’ve ever written. I hope you give it a chance. My story about my first year a…
Mimi Chen's avatar
From @MImi_TheSound
@kurtbardella @USATODAY @RonaldKlain @JoaquinCastrotx @Richard_Schiff @RichardLui @marycmccormack @JoyAnnReid Reall…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@kurtbardella blogs about transforming into a Dem, saying "I've finally embraced my Asian-American identity". Which party should those who want to embrace their White Identity join, Kurt?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MImi_TheSound: like kurtbardella, did you also embrace your "Asian-American identity" when you left the GOP? What exactly is that "identity" given huge differences between all those countries? Which party should those who want to embrace their "White Identity" join?
Mimi Chen's avatar
From @MImi_TheSound
@24AheadDotCom_ My reasons may be similar but I grew up with my identify intact. People should be free to join wha…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MImi_TheSound: you punted. @kurtbardella thinks he's "Asian-American". Would China & Chinese citizens submit to a larger entity than themselves (other than as a way to obtain power from dim Americans)? Do CN leaders say "we're all Asians, including Filipinos & Dravidians"?
