cpac: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Guy Benson supports mass legalization of illegal aliens (immigration, amnesty, Townhall, HotAir) - 10/21/13
The video below features Guy Benson of Townhall, HotAir, and Fox News outlining his immigration position. He admits that he was "hopeful" that the Senate would come up with an immigration bill that was "workable".
Eric Schmitt's strange immigration talking point (Missouri state senator) - 10/17/13
The video below shows Missouri state senator Eric Schmitt using one of the more obscure and more telling talking points: the one described on the Safe Legal Orderly page.
Conservative? CPAC panel promotes immigration amnesty for illegal aliens (Labrador, Helen Krieble, Whit Ayres, AAN) - 03/14/13
Earlier today, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) had a panel session entitled "Respecting Families and the Rule of Law: A Lasting Immigration Policy" which featured five supporters of amnesty for illegal aliens.
Two examples of conservative failure (CPAC, rap, Crowder, Reynolds, V. Jackson) - 02/11/12
The first example is from an Ed Morrissey post [1] about a Friday event at CPAC ("Conservative Political Action Conference"):
Occupy CPAC is incredibly dumb and might be fake (Occupy Wall Street, OWS) - 02/07/12
The latest plan from the Occupy Wall Street folks is called "Occupy CPAC" (CPAC is the annual "Conservative Political Action Conference"). OccupyCPAC will consist of, per this, "[creating] as much non-violent resistance as possible, and make this a conference the attendees will never forget".
Mitch Daniels' incredibly ironic CPAC speech (no immigration, but invasion) - 02/11/11
Current Indiana governor Mitch Daniels spoke at CPAC earlier today and gave a speech that's received rave reviews from such fellow worthies as Mary Katharine Ham of the Daily Caller (full text here). The speech concentrated on (no big surprise) spending rather than issues that are actually more important and more fundamental such as immigration. The speech didn't mention immigration at all. But it did include this incredibly ironic bit:
If a foreign power advanced an army to the border of our land, everyone in this room would drop everything and look for a way to help.
Yes, but which side...
Andrew Breitbart unintentionally exposes the right (Max Blumenthal confrontation) - 02/21/10
The video at shows Andrew Breitbart confronting Max Blumenthal at the recent CPAC event, and Breitbart's performance has received rave reviews [1].
ThinkProgress lies for Obama (Cliff Kincaid on knowing where Obama was born) - 02/28/09
On the 26th, Cliff Kincaid appeared at CPAC and said among other things:
back there in the 1980s at least we knew that our president was born in the United States
The ThinkProgress blog - run by the Barack Obama-linked Center for American Progress then lied about what he said, uploading a video with that quote under the false title "Cliff Kincaid Says President Obama Not Born in US" (link).
Obviously, saying we don't know where Obama was really born and saying that he wasn't born in the U.S. are too very different things. This shouldn't come as much of a surprise: both ThinkProgress and CAP...