matt drudge
matt drudge: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Did Obama encourage illegal aliens to vote? Yes and no. - 11/07/16
In a November 3 interview with the actress Gina Rodriguez on the MiTu network, Barack Obama discussed voting as it relates to Hispanics. Full video of the interview below.
RealClearPolitics falls for hoax video (Trump Car Destroyed; Tim Hains; Joey Salads) - 10/19/16
On October 17, Tim Hains of RealClearPolitics posted "YouTuber Test: Car With Trump Stickers Looted, Destroyed By Black Youth" [1] featuring a video purporting to show five black youths smashing the windows of a car that had been supposedly parked in a black neighborhood. The video later turned out to be a complete hoax, featuring actors smashing the windows.
Drudge & Trump fans are too incompetent & nuts to hold the media accountable - 08/12/16
The attached image is from today's Drudge Report (Matt Drudge), showing a Donald Trump supporter giving the finger to Noah Gray of CNN. On the video at [1], the protester says "Go home! You are a traitor! I am an American Patriot!"
Conservatives lack competence to stop the "Knockout Game" - 11/21/13
In the "Knockout Game", a victim is knocked unconscious in a surprise attack. Most or all of the perpetrators are blacks and usually working in a group; most or all of the victims have been non-blacks. Victims have included the political class such as Matt Yglesias and Rep Grace Meng.
The skewed priorities of Noel Sheppard (Newsbusters, declining labor force) - 02/01/13
In the unlikely event that Matt Drudge linked to a post here, rest assured that I'd take advantage of those tens to hundreds of thousands of visitors to promote pro-American immigration policies.
Noel Sheppard of NewsBusters has different priorities.
Given everything, how did Obama win again?? - 01/21/13
In the current upper left corner of Matt Drudge's site, he's celebrating Obama's second inauguration with several links (text as given by Drudge, re-linked by me):
Obama tweets 'Let's go -- bo': from church!
Calls for 'collective action'...
Vows action on 'climate change'...
Protesters target banks...
Paul Ryan Booed...
Broken Jumbotron frustrates thousands on the National Mall...
Moe Lane of RedState, Drudge "reverse race-bait" Hawaii senator pick (Abercrombie, Inouye) - 12/27/12
Moe Lane of RedState and Matt Drudge are trying to create racial controversy where it didn't exist. Neither are doing those who oppose leftwingers playing the race card any favors.
Whites and Politics: an example of the problem - 09/09/12
"Whites and Politics" will take a look at serious issues that non-elite white people have when it comes to politics.
The Oregonian covers up race-based attacks (Laurelhurst Park, Portland, OregonLive) - 06/17/12
Matt Drudge links to a The Oregonian story entitled "Portland police shorten hours at Laurelhurst Park after reports of group of teen boys attacking others" (link) with the text "COPS: Drunken mob of 150 teenagers run wild in Portland..."
Obama gets angry (in ineffective interview featuring weak questions) - 04/19/11
Barack Obama recently spoke with Brad Watson of WFAA in an interview (link, video below) that was sold by Matt Drudge and others as some sort of watershed moment ("FIRST TIME: REPORTER TURNS AGGRESSIVE WITH OBAMA" was his headline).
Certainly, almost all reporters have treated Obama extremely reverentially and from that perspective the interview is markedly different. However, the interview was basically worthless: it didn't hold Obama accountable and it didn't force him to answer the tough questions he's needed to be asked for years. I'm not surprised he'd get angry, but a politician getting...
Jared Loughner: anti-Bush, pro-small government? Intellectually dishonest Tea Party defenders - 01/17/11
Enablers of the tea parties have, of course, been completely intellectually dishonest when attempting to defend themselves against claims that Jared Loughner is linked to them in one way or another. One example is here, and today's example involves the New York Times piece "Looking Behind the Mug-Shot Grin" (link).
Based on the relevant portion of that article [1], Loughner sounds a bit like a libertarian or perhaps anarchist [2]. Instead of considering the whole of the relevant portion of the NYT article, Tea Party enablers stop at the part about not liking George W Bush, attempting to...
Michael R. Blood / AP biased report on "National Day of Protest" - 01/08/06
The AP reports on the "National Day of Protest" against illegal immigration in the Drudge-linked "Few Drawn to Illegal Immigration Protests" [1] by Michael R. Blood. The very first paragraph contains a highly misleading statement:
Illegal immigration protests organized across the country Saturday drew small numbers, and some were outnumbered and out-shouted by those who support immigrant rights.
Today's scary Sean Hannity picture - 11/12/05
Sure, Kim Kommando is a real kutie, but what's she doing with Bill Handel (KFI-AM), Sean Hannity (RNC-FM), and Matt Drudge (cyberspace)?