Senator Mel Martinez won't seek re-election in 2010 (mind the door)
Senator Mel Martinez will not seek re-election in 2010, and might even leave before his term is up, according to this. According to this, a Jeb Bush spokesman says that Governor Bush has not given serious consideration to running for the U.S. Senate, or any other office at this point, which probably means the opposite.
As for Martinez, despite being from Cuba he was a strong supporter of basically allowing Mexican citizens to enter the U.S. at will. He spoke out in support of amnesty several times, and in 2007 he quit as RNC chairman. Expect him to obtain some sort of part- or full-time sinecure somewhere and use it to push the general Bush agenda, specifically focusing on "comprehensive immigration reform".
Summary: good riddance.
UPDATE: Now, a source says Jeb Bush is considering a Senate run.
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Tue, 12/02/2008 - 18:30
HS 16648 2008-12-02T20:30:48-06:00
Good riddance indeed. Now if we could get this stinking traitor to the American people to remove the "R" from his name the party would be better for it.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 12/02/2008 - 22:13
HS 16649 2008-12-03T00:13:59-06:00
Yes you are right when any Bush who states he will not run that only means his money isn't in place yet! Jeb Bush is now being setup to beat the S Out of Obama in 4 years, but its all a game most of the pigs inside the government of the former!!! usa are in fact have nothing in common with the people and are for the most part enemies of freedom and foreign race hate people from all over the third world, its all just a power play for you and your money and the end game is your country and you life, buy guns.