SEIU, NCLR release incredibly deceptive immigration poll (Andrea Nill, Arizona)
The Service Employees International Union and the National Council of La Raza have released a new immigration poll of likely voters in Arizona [1], specifically asking about that state's new law and about comprehensive immigration reform. Well, actually, they didn't use the word "comprehensive" in some of the questions, only asking about "immigration reform". Needless to say, one person's idea of "immigration reform" might differ from another's, meaning that at least those questions are useless.
That hasn't stopped Andrea Nill of ThinkProgress from announcing that "Over 77 Percent Of All Arizonans Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform" ( Except, that 77% was based on this question:
"With all the different issues the Congress and President must address, how important do you think it is that they should pass a bill on immigration reform before the 2010 Congressional elections in November?"
Obviously, it's misleading not to define what "immigration reform" means or at least to include the word "comprehensive". Not only that, but they include the word "Comprehensive" in their headline for that question.
Here's another questionable question:
"Do you favor or oppose requiring illegal immigrants currently living in the United States to pay a find and back taxes, learn English and pass a criminal background check to get on a path to legalization?"
That question assumes the respondent has agreed to the "path to legalization" and asks about the requirements. It doesn't outright ask whether the person supports that "path". It stacks the pro-American features at the beginning, hiding what the SEIU and the NCLR want at the end and encouraging people to select it simply because they think that immigrants should learn English. It's like the patter of a car salesman: "do you want FREE tire stem lubrication and a FREE hi-performance callifragilator on your new car?"
[1] The NCLR press release is at, and the poll can be found at Those producing the poll were Myers Research and Strategic Services and Grove Insight.