stephen moore
stephen moore: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Loose borders libertarian Trump advisor Stephen Moore is trying to weaken him on free trade - 09/07/16
Last month, Donald Trump released lists of the members of his Economic Advisory Council. (He did it in two rounds, and therein lies yet another tale about Trump's incompetence.)
Dylan Scott, TPM: pro-business libertarian immigration ideas are sane, normal, and respectable - 01/23/14
Yet another example of how close today's supposed liberals are to libertarians on immigration - or at least how much the libertarian position on immigration serves the interests of the Democratic Party - comes from Dylan Scott of TalkingPointsMemo.
Heritage names loose borders advocate Stephen Moore as chief economist - 01/22/14
Potentially bad news for the upcoming fight against amnesty: the Heritage Foundation has named Stephen Moore as their chief economist.
Koch family, U.S. Chamber, businesses met to plan strategy (+Glenn Beck, tea parties, "mobilize citizens for November") - 10/20/10
Twice each year, the Koch family conducts strategy meetings with corporate and thought leaders to plan how to advance their "free market" ideology. ThinkProgress has the guest list and program for their June 2010 meeting (in Aspen), and, while immigration isn't mentioned, many of the known attendees are on the wrong side.
I don't normally recommend anything at ThinkProgress, but in this case I'll suggest taking a look at their post and downloading the PDF.
The New York Times has a related report here; from that:
The participants in Aspen dined under the stars at the top of the gondola run on...
Helen Krieble's absurd Red Card "Temporary" Workers "Solution" - 06/23/09
Helen Krieble - president of the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation, an heir to the Loctite fortune, and an associate of Dick Armey - has been pushing her own guest workers plan for a few years.
Tamar Jacoby on the Kennedy-McCain mass amnesty - 05/14/05
Tamar Jacoby has issued the following statement:
We the undersigned applaud the introduction today of Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act... [etc. etc...]
The signatories include:
Lee Culpepper (last mentioned here; works for the National Restaurant Association and is Chairman of the National Immigration Forum)
Jack Kemp
Grover Norquist
Rick Swartz:
And then there's the National Immigration Forum, the umbrella organization for high-immigration political advocacy, which works closely with sympathetic Republicans. But NIF is not like the conventional lobbying coalitions that...
A "Conservative" Statement of Principles on Immigration - 02/09/04
A statement/open letter/mess of lies entitled "A Conservative Statement of Principles on Immigration" appeared in Friday's Wall Street Journal (more about the WSJ here and here).
The WSJ is subscription-only, but a copy is available here:
[America is a nation of immigrants, heart-warming platitudes, etc. etc...]
Conservatives believe in legal immigration.[related folderol deleted]
Conservatives oppose illegal immigration. We believe there is a right way and a wrong way to immigrate to the United States. However, as conservatives we believe that our laws must reflect reality and common sense...