Tweets to Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh's avatar
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Rush Limbaugh
The EIB Network
The Genuine Twitter feed of Rush Limbaugh. The Rush Limbaugh Show is America's most listened to radio talk show, broadcast on over 600 radio stations.
Tweets to this user:
Andy McCarthy's avatar
From @AndrewCMcCarthy
Democrats, Kavanaugh, and ‘The End of Civilization’ - my @NRO column:
Harriet Baldwin Text Trump 88022's avatar
From @HarrietBaldwin
@AndrewCMcCarthy @NRO It's my belief that there is no such thing as a "decent Progressive." @rushlimbaugh feels the same way.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AndrewCMcCarthy: it's in national interest to not reflexively believe last-minute, decades-old allegations raised for partisan reasons. As with everything except tax/regulations for the wealthy, cons are completely worthless. Trump will fold & cons will go along with it.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Progs want to quash debate, support amnesty, bean count, etc. etc. Cons ditto, in effect ditto, ditto, etc. etc. Here's a test: Name a con leader who points out how DREAM Act harms USA/MX. MT @HarrietBaldwin It's my belief that there is no such thing as a "decent Progressive."
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
Thank you, Laura— and thank you, @rushlimbaugh!!!
Laura Loomer's avatar
From @LauraLoomer
@AnnCoulter @rushlimbaugh ️ I love listening to your commentary. The best of the best. Rush called you a warrior today.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Hi Laura, Coulter thinks Trump "wall" would be "forever". She enables future illegal #immigration: Congress would just tear it down. We'd have *more* illegal immigration due to him. MT @LauraLoomer @AnnCoulter @rushlimbaugh [Sie sind das bestest] Rush called you a warrior today.
Terry Kinder - Text TRUMP to 88022's avatar
From @tkinder
RT @Hublife: Hey @ScottAdamsSays , did you know @rushlimbaugh gave you a shoutout on today's show, regarding one of your predictions?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@tkinder @Hublife: has @ScottAdamsSays commented on Trump's tweet about Sadiq Khan being like taqiyya chess? #MAGA
Sue Darnell Ellis's avatar
From @spaceysusyq
@realDonaldTrump Will be Great Pres! Not #TwoFacedHillary #Hannity @rushlimbaugh @realDonaldTrump @KellyannePolls…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump has mass legalization plan; won't oppose anti-American bill; *helped* Obama on refugees; etc.MT @spaceysusyq Trump Will be Great Pres!
PoliticalPOET's avatar
RT @jerseyshur: MT @cruzgrassroots: @rushlimbaugh calls #TedCruz Brilliant, Trustworthy. #TrusTED #CruzCrew #PJNET
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@UnsolvedRHYME @jerseyshur @cruzgrassroots: you can say that all day, but only way to help Cruz is to stop Trump:
Harriet Baldwin Text Trump 88022's avatar
From @HarrietBaldwin
The Crowd Gasped When a Conservative Explained How Leftists Have Turned Thinking Into a Hate Crime - Evan Sayet
Me's avatar
From @NingaDog
@HarrietBaldwin And yet, on Twitter, all leftists do is spew hate. No conversation allowed.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@CToftum: see the tweet @HarrietBaldwin sent me after I pointed out she shouldn't support GoRemy from the pro-open borders Reason Mag.
Cathy Toftum's avatar
From @CToftum
@24AheadDotCom Point me in the right direction. I can't spend all night searching her TL. THX.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@CToftum: pic of our conversation, start at bottom: My link is
Cathy Toftum's avatar
From @CToftum
@24AheadDotCom Sorry, all I saw was anti-Koch brothers rants. If you believe Koch brothers are the evils of politics, I can't support you.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@CToftum: @Maddow etc opposing #Koch was great for them. It means many r/w'ers reflexively support them, when they shouldn't. #tcot #tgdn
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@CToftum: read & 1993's with an open mind. #tcot #teaparty #immigration #tgdn #gop
Cathy Toftum's avatar
From @CToftum
@24AheadDotCom @maddow You are so lame. Koch brothers donate money 2 worthy causes, don't seek political consideration compared to Dems.
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@CToftum @24AheadDotCom The point is, #Koch brothers are very bad on #amnesty. Breitbart realizes this.
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@CToftum @24AheadDotCom @rushlimbaugh realizes that on #immigration, #Koch bros. are malicious force:
Cathy Toftum's avatar
From @CToftum
@Glaivester @24AheadDotCom And so is the US chamber of commerce. How much does the chamber contribute to this country vs. the Koch Bros?
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@CToftum @24AheadDotCom finally, Laura Ingraham sees that, on this issue, they are bad:
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@CToftum Neither @24AheadDotCom nor myself likes the US Chamber of Commerce.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@RushLimbaugh relied on likes of @LegInsurrection to save him from PC Police, lost tens of millions of dollars in the process. #tcot #tgdn
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@phillipadsmith: hey Phil, remember when reporters followed the money? Now, remind @LaurieSegallCNN: #CNN #tcot
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@24AheadDotCom @phillipadsmith @LaurieSegallCNN Even @rushlimbaugh sees GOP corruption better than you:
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@24AheadDotCom @phillipadsmith @LaurieSegallCNN What corporations gain from mass immigration is obvious: cheap labor
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@NELSONSDAVIS: facts about #Koch you won't hear from liberals or conservatives: #immigration #ows #tcot
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@24AheadDotCom @NELSONSDAVIS ACtaully, @rushlimbaugh pointed out #Koch treachery once, but then stopped:
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@24AheadDotCom @NELSONSDAVIS Occasionally, @BreitbartNews notices problems w/#Koch brothers as well:
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@LovnLifeGPT: @NicholsUprising wasn't interested in opposing #Koch where they're weakest: Tell you something? #ows
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@24AheadDotCom @LovnLifeGPT Will @NicholsUprising investigate Koch influence on #Buzzfeed?
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@24AheadDotCom @LovnLifeGPT If @NicholsUprising wants to discredit Kochs w/GOP base, there's an issue where even @RushLimbaugh hates them.
Glaivester's avatar
From @Glaivester
.@24AheadDotCom @LovnLifeGPT What does @NicholsUprising think about this? #Koch #Limbaugh
