peace movement

peace movement: Page 2

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

I would have driven to the westside for this - 11/10/04

TANKS APPEAR AT ANTI-WAR PROTEST IN WESTWOOD: LOS ANGELES, November 9, 2004 - At 7:50 PM armored tanks showed up at an anti-war protest in front of the federal building in Westwood. The tanks circled the block twice, the second time parking themselves in the street and directly in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered. Enraged, some of the people attempted to block the tanks, but police quickly cleared the street. The people continued to protest the presen

It's always best when your opponents go insane - 09/02/04

From "Feminists Compare Bush's 2000 Election Victory to 'Savage Rape'": ...Poet Molly Birnbaum read aloud to a crowd of feminists gathered in New York's Central Park on Wednesday night, as part of a NOW event dubbed "Code Red: Stop the Bush Agenda Rally." "Imagine a way to erase that night four years ago when you (President Bush) savagely raped every pandemic woman over and over with each vote you got, a thrust with each state you stole," Birnbaum said from the podium.

It wouldn't be a protest without Susan "Medea" Benjamin getting arrested - 08/31/04

Yep, she did it again. Since there are no permalinks at this site, let's try this play-by-play account: Tuesday 31 August 2004 4:10PM: Medea Benjamin has just been arrested, and the crowd is turning very ugly... 4:20PM: Medea Benjamin has been taken away, and the crowd is swelling. The buzz of violence seems to have dissipated for the moment... 4:50PM: Medea Benjamin has been released, is shaken up, but is OK. Whew!

Susan "Medea" Benjamin is (partially) right (for once) - 07/25/04

Susan "Medea" Benjamin on the "free speech zones" at the DNCC: "We don't deserve to be put in a detention center, a concentration camp," said Medea Benjamin of San Francisco.

What year is this again? - 06/29/04

Several readers have emailed me this story: San Francisco voters will have more than one chance to express their views on the U.S.-led war in Iraq this presidential election year after four local officials submitted a ballot measure Tuesday calling on the federal government to end the conflict... Heh? I mean, huh? At first I thought this article might be from last year, but it's from today. Indeedily.

"Iraq Spy's Dem Ties Obscured in Press Reports" - 03/12/04

There's more on media coverage of Susan Lindauer here: Of the 120 main press reports so far on Lindauer's arrest yesterday, only 12 expressly identified her former employers as Democrats...

"Accused spy is cousin of Bush staffer" - 03/11/04

This is just laugh-out-loud funny. The headline of an AP report on this matter is "Accused spy is cousin of Bush staffer." Now, of course, the way this works is many people will just see the headline, or their view of this matter will be greatly influenced by it. They won't bother to note that all of her public employers have been Democrats and she's been active in the "peace" movement. And, note that this headline is direct from the AP.

The tale of the delusional peacenik - 03/11/04

Coverage of Susan Lindauer is in 'U.S. woman charged with spying for Iraq', 'How Susan Lindauer Was Caught', this, this, and this. The indictment is here.

Another day, another "peace" organization - 07/21/03

Susan Medea Benjamin and friends are busy again, starting, whose goals include: * Research the dynamics, programs, and composition of the Iraqi movement to resist occupation in order to provide a more comprehensive picture to the international community; * Support the creation of independent Iraqi organizations, such as media and environment

Beverly Hills hair stylist Jose Eber captured by French police - 06/22/03

From this: The leader of France's anti-globalisation movement...

A real peoples' constitution, A.N.S.W.E.R.-style - 06/18/03

Here's a transcript of a video secretly shot at a recent A.N.S.W.E.R.

Next protest, ahoy! - 06/05/03

A.N.S.W.E.R. is planning a big protest on Friday, June 27 at 6pm in front of the Century Plaza Hotel in Century City. Despite the rush hour traffic, I just might cover it. Here's the text of their flyer. Fisk at will: Un-elected President George W Bush has carried out a war to takeover Iraq for oil profits. That war has killed thousands of innocent Iraqis. U.S. troops now occupy Iraq in colonial style in spite of mounting anger and resistance from the Iraqi people. Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Cuba are being threatened.

"American Woman Travels Door to Door to Count Iraqi Casualties" - 05/27/03

From this ABC Nightline piece: Marla Ruzicka, 26, from the San Francisco Bay Area, has been in Baghdad since the day Saddam's statue fell in the city center. She has been doing a headcount of the Iraqi injured and the dead. She's found more than she expected. She has formed her own nonprofit organization, called the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict, or CIVIC. She has organized 150 surveyors to fan out across Iraq.

Is MRAP like A.N.S.W.E.R.? - 05/16/03

Brigitte Bardot is taking heat for various comments in her recent book. For instance: "I am against the Islamisation of France. For centuries . . . our fathers gave their lives to chase all successive invaders from France." I consider that not just historically accurate (more or less, in the larger Europeans against Invaders from the East sense...), but a perfect valid opinion, and one with which I agree. So, who's doing the complaining?

William Morris Agency watch - 05/01/03

Other than a few right-wing blogs and this one news report, I haven't seen much about the William Morris Agency's shutting down of I'll keep waiting for the leftie blogs and online news sites to catch up... (foley in some crickets here)

Let's boycott Dotster too - 05/01/03

The site is being shut down due to a threatening letter their registrar (/host?) received from William Morris Agency lawyers. The three parts of the letter are here, here, and here.

Robert Scheer: Both dumb and numb - 04/29/03

According to Scheer's latest "Are We Dumb or Just Numb?" ( The embarrassingly secular nature of the government was summarized in another Los Angeles Times story on the status of women: "For decades, Iraqi women dz

Reductioed ad absurdum - 04/13/03

What/Where/When? Peace Protest/Hollywood and La Brea, Hollywood, CA/earlier today. Pictures? Right here. (These might be a little too dark for PCs and a little light for Macs.) Numbers? Much less than previous protests, maybe 2 or 3 city blocks worth. The word about the cheering Iraqis seems to have gotten out. Maybe the threat of rain had something to do with it, or perhaps the movement has been distilled down into its diehard components.

"Anti-War Leaders Fear US Fast Food Threat to Iraq" - 04/12/03

From the give-us-any-straw-to-hold-on Department, comes this: Many Iraqi citizens have taken to the streets in recent days to celebrate their freedom from dictator Saddam Hussein.

We are so <b>not</b> irrelevant! - 04/10/03

International A.N.S.W.E.R. is switching gears a bit. Rather than protesting against the war, they're now protesting against the occupation. How long will it be before they call for an intifada? While they will never admit it, this planned "endless war" is a class war waged by the U.S.

"Stories the Censors Could Not Sink" - 04/09/03

The Village Voice does its best to uncover our secret plot to commit genocide against the Arab and Iraqi peoples, and comes up a bit short in this review of unflattering Iraqi war stories.

No blood for Whitey's racist genocidal war of empire and oil profits! - 04/08/03

The's front page currently has a section entitled "PEACE: as bullets fly what do we mean?": OK, Peace Movement! Lots of folks protesting before the war started. People out protesting right now! Before, "No War" simply meant "don't fire the gun, George." What does "No war" mean now? What do we mean when we call for Peace now that Iraqis and Americans are dying?... What about after the war?

goose-stepping into Warsaw - 04/07/03

This article about Lou Grant/Ed Asner contains this quote: "It's just difficult for me to imagine Hussein goose-stepping into Warsaw." Someone should explain GW #1 to him.

Pilger Alert: Britain is America's Lethal Appendage - 04/05/03

I think a fun project would be to shoot a video with a sequence of wild-eyed "peace" protesters and street people reading this Pilger article. Money quote #1: "The killing of some 80 villagers near Baghdad last Thursday, of children in markets, of the "chicks who get in the way'' would be in industrial quantities now were it not for the voices of the millions who filled London and other capitals, and the young people who walked out of their schools; they have saved countless lives." Money quote #2: "... [the] Time magazine [poll asking] "Which country poses the greatest danger to world peace...

Stop fucking with my mind, man! - 04/05/03

Want to fuck with a "peace" protester's mind? Show them this speech: Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors... The hard fact is that so long as Saddam remains in power, he threatens the well-being of his people, the peace of his region, the security of the world.

The "peace" movement cracks up - 04/01/03

Glenn links to a few good articles, including one in the LA Weekly.

"[Kucinich] Calls for End to War in Speech" - 04/01/03

From this: Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich took his anti-war campaign to the House floor Tuesday, calling for an end to the fighting in Iraq to allow weapons inspectors to return. Kucinich, a congressman from Ohio, repeated the phrase, "Stop this war now," 10 times in his brief speech. He said the U.S.-led military campaign was built on "falsehood." More: "This war has been advanced on lie upon lie... Iraq was not responsible for 9/11.

My "peace" protest links - 03/30/03

Links to my reports, to some of my pictures and to external articles: External reports, etc.: David Corn on A.N.S.W.E.R.

"I fantasize about being liberated by a European invasion" - 03/28/03

Here's a report from a "peace" "teach-in" at Columbia University. All of the profs speaking were against the war; English prof.

Protest like Susan Medea Benjamin - 03/26/03

Susan's got her name in the paper again. 'In the trenches: Can the anti-war movement survive the outbreak of war?' is about a week old, but chocka with heartening quotes from Susan and pals.

"Hundreds of thousands of protestors burn effigies of Bush, Blair in Meerut" - 03/25/03

New Delhi, March 26, IRNA -- Hundreds of thousands of protestors in a demonstration against the US war on Iraq in Meerut on Tuesday declared that they would boycott products made by American or British companies and burned effigies of the American president and British prime minister in protest.

Another day, another "peace" protest - 03/22/03

To save time, here's my new format: What/Where/When? Peace Protest/Hollywood and Vine, Hollywood, CA/earlier today. Pictures? Right here. Numbers? Around 5000 participants. What were they fighting for? This protest was designed to protest against the "biased" war coverage of CNN and other media outlets. It was held in front of CNN's Hollywood headquarters, and several of the signs referred to CNN, cheerleaders for the war, etc.

'Thousands of Furious Arabs Protest War' - 03/21/03

According to this: AMMAN, Jordan - Furious Arabs stormed Middle Eastern streets Friday, screaming "Death to America" and demanding vengeance for the invasion of Iraq... In Beirut, Lebanon, Grand Ayatollah Sheik Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah used his Friday sermon to denounce both the United States and Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. "We call on the Iraqi people to topple the tyrant who has destroyed Iraq and thrown the Arab and Islamic world into disarray," said Fadlallah, a

Special-Ed classes for "peace" protesters? - 03/21/03

According to 'Protester picks wrong spot to lock himself': Jody Mason padlocked himself to an entrance of the Washington State Grange building at 924 Capitol Way S., thinking it was a sub-office of the U.S. Department of Energy... He told employees he'd chained himself to the building in civil disobedience Monday night after listening to President Bush's televised ultimatum to Saddam Hussein... Police officers used heavy-duty bolt cutters to free Mason.

'See no evil' - 03/21/03

According to this Salon (yes, Salon) article: And in protest marches, antiwar advertising and local arts events, the evidence leaves one to wonder whether this highly visible bloc of the left has weighed these issues -- weighed life by life the repression of the 24 million Iraqis who live in a ruthless police state, not to mention the thousands or tens of thousands who have been imprisoned without trial, tortured, exiled or killed.

"Bush, You Racist, You're The Terrorist" - 03/20/03

I went to the peace protest in downtown L.A. earlier today, and the pics are here. Only a few hundred people showed up, and it was a peaceful protest, with the organizers working with the cops, and vice versa. This was in contrast to today's Westwood protest, yesterday's Westwood protest, and last month's Hollywood protest.

VRWCSC: The Vast Right-Wing Cloud-Seeding Conspiracy - 03/15/03

I was going to go to the peace protest today in downtown L.A. However, since it's been raining heavily all day including lightning, and since my camera isn't compatible with the rain, I think I'll skip it. Gosh, I hope they didn't make their swastikas and Fuck Bush signs using water-soluble paint.

Latest on the La Habra 9/11 memorial - 03/13/03

Via CroooowBlog comes this article: Police early Wednesday arrested a 19-year-old woman who witnesses said showed up at the memorial late Tuesday, claimed responsibility for burning some of the flags and pushed Chandler while saying the memorial endorsed the looming war in Iraq. Jennifer Quintana, whom police identified only as an Orange County resident, was booked on suspicion of misdemeanor assault and released. Quintana, who identified herself as a Fullerton

'Peace activists seek new idiom' - 03/12/03

According to this: "Hell No, We Won't Go!" has morphed into "Peace is Patriotic" in the modern anti-war lexicon, as peace strategists urge their followers to embrace the flag rather than burn it. Aware that screaming denunciations of the United States might alienate mainstream Americans, some leaders of the peace movement are borrowing a tool from the right and using patriotism to sell peace. "It's an epiphany the left has experienced," said Susan C.
