north american union
North American Union: Page 4
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Should you trust anything Sen. John Cornyn says? - 10/24/05
The plan to create a North American Community - an EU-style superstate consisting of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. - has been covered here in the past. And, no, it's not tinfoil talk, it's something that both the CFR and the Cato Institute support, and even our own "American" president supports it as well. Much more about that here.
In fact, here's a report from the U.S.
Is America's CEO leading us towards a merger with Mexico? - 07/20/05
Joseph Farah:
...The shadow government a
"Good Reasons To Reject CAFTA" - 07/18/05
From Bill Graves, Oklahoma City lawyer and former state representative:
Congress is debating the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), also known as son of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). America presumably benefits from "free" trade, and CAFTA allegedly will open up billions in trade between the United States and Central America.
Live chat with Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) Weds. 7/20/05 - 07/18/05
On that date, Cornyn will be having a live chat between 2:45 and 3:15pm (Dallas time) at this site. You can submit questions in advance.
I suggest that everyone asks him why he hasn't renounced Cato's proposal to create an EU-style North American Community. Read up on that proposal in "Sens.
"CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada" - 07/14/05
Phyllis Schlafly:
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has just let the cat out of the bag about what's really behind our trade agreements and security partnerships with the other North American countries.
FAIR on CAFTA - 07/06/05
From "FAIR's Statement Regarding Proposed CAFTA Treaty":
...The negative implications of the CAFTA provisions for illegal immigration to the United States are likely to be caused by the same effects that have generated increased illegal immigration from Mexico under the North American Free Trade Act. As the 2000 Census revealed, the number of illegal immigrants from Mexico has increased substantially since the adoption of NAFTA, with no end in sight.
"CAFTA Should Be Rejected Just Like The EU Constitution" - 06/29/05
Phyllis Schlafly:
...Just as the French and Dutch were suspicious of the dangers lurking in the 485-page EU constitution, Americans are wary of the dangers hiding in the 92-page CAFTA legislation plus the 31 pages that purport to spell out the administrative actions the U.S. must take in compliance.
Charlie Norwood on CATO's latest anti-American proposal - 06/28/05
For future reference comes this statement from Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-GA):
A CATO Institute-sponsored report intended to discredit efforts to secure the U.S. border has instead bolstered findings that immediate deployment of troops in support of the Border Patrol is the only means of stopping the current hordes of illegal immigrants invading U.S. territory.
Think of yourself as a North American, citizen - 06/14/05
Isn't it going to be great when the U.S., Canada, and Mexico give up their old-fashioned ideas of national sovereignty and join hands and forces as the North American Community? I can hardly wait. If you too are ready to think of yourself as a North American rather than just an American, then you'll really enjoy this exciting testimony that was given by American University professor Robert Pastor before a hearing of the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere U.S.
(Jorge) Castaneda has a vision - 06/06/05
Jorge Castaneda, Mexico's former foreign secretary, recently spoke at a conference in San Antonio, and:
For the U.S., Mexico and Canada, a secure and prosperous future hinges on an increased level of integration that would create a type of "North American Economic Community," Mexican presidential hopeful Jorge Castaneda told reporters during a speech in San Antonio on Saturday.
"I think the best possible alternative (to the status quo in North Amer
"Legal Mexican Migrants File NAFTA Complaint" - 04/19/05
MEXICO CITY -- More than a dozen legal Mexican and Central American migrant workers recruited by U.S.
2002: "Mexico pushes for continental integration" - 03/25/05
A flashback from just over three years ago:
OTTAWA - Mexico wants its North American neighbours to move more quickly towards integration on a continental scale, the country's [former] foreign secretary [Jorge Castaneda] said on Friday...
"We would like to continentalize as much as possible," he said.
...What Mexico wants, he said, goes beyond the continental perimeter idea that has been discussed at length in Canada in the wake of Sept. 11.
The New Hemispheric Order - 03/16/05
From "Task force urges a
The "New Partnership in North America": double-plus NAFTA - 03/10/05
On March 23 the leaders of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada will meet at Baylor University and at Bush's ranch:
The meeting is to discuss the New Partnership in North America plan which aims to increase security, prosperity and quality of life for the people of Canada, the U.S.
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