Tweets to Dana Goldstein

Dana Goldstein's avatar
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Dana Goldstein
Brooklyn, NY
National correspondent @NYTimes & author of THE TEACHER WARS. Education, history, gender/race/class, politics, books.
Tweets to this user:
Helen's left ✍️'s avatar
From @Cruellaisdevine
@DanaGoldstein The reason(s) for this are the Koch bros & RW decades long systemic attack on public ed and their in…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
R/w blames Soros just as you blame Koch. You & they aren't ultimately that different. MT @DanaGoldstein [NYT blog re states pushing non-approved POVs] MT @Cruellaisdevine The reason(s) for this are the Koch bros & RW decades long systemic attack on public ed [ALEC, etc etc]
Dana Goldstein's avatar
From @DanaGoldstein
1. NEW: U.S. history textbooks are shaped by partisan politics, and then shape the next generation of voters. See…
Stiff L Man's avatar
From @Stiffelman
@DanaGoldstein @AnandWrites Great work I researched this a quarter century ago, and it may be a little better now d…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Dana blogs "Critical language about nonwhite cultural movements also appears in a Texas book..." That almost makes it sound like N.C.M.s cannot be criticized, doesn't it? MT @Stiffelman [I did this 25 years ago] MT @DanaGoldstein [hypes her state textbook blog]
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
@DanaGoldstein: can you help me find a replacement for Alex Wagner? #MSNBC #tlot #OWS #Occupy #TopProg #p2