new americans
"New Americans"
Summary (posts follow):
Posts about the use of the Orwellian term "New Americans".
See also Task Force on New Americans and Illinois Office of New Americans.
Last modified Sep 5, 2011
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Immigrants and the Fortune 500: how Partnership for a New American Economy misleads (Bloomberg, Murdoch, Villaraigosa, Ballmer) - 09/04/11
In June, the "Partnership for a New American Economy" ("PNAE") - a coalition of Big Business billionaires and Big City mayors - released a misleading report designed to promote massive immigration. The report claims that a large number of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or their children, which is generally correct just as long as you look at it the right way and avoid discussing just how different things are now versus then.
"Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles": pro-amnesty, pro-guest worker fantasy from Robert George - 02/22/10
Robert George of Princeton University, former George W Bush official Alfonso Aguilar, and Alejandro Chafuen (see this) are the founders of the "Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles" (, an outgrowth of George's American Principles Project. See this for a recent WSJ article involving their efforts to promote comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty.
They say that their group "promotes conservative values and ideals within the Latino community and works to integrate Latinos into fuller and more active participation and leadership in the conservative movement...
New Jersey state "Commission on New Americans" will enable illegal immigration - 01/12/10
New Jersey governor Jon Corzine today signed an executive order creating a "Commission on New Americans", a sort of far-left welcome wagon for both legal and illegal immigrants. News report here, order at [1]. This follows last year's recommendation from another panel that advocated for benefits such as in-state tuition (see the DREAM Act) and drivers licenses for illegal aliens. The current order doesn't say anything about immigration status and doesn't include any variants of "illegal" or "undocumented", meaning that it also includes illegal aliens. The Commission will end up enabling and...
New Jersey governor's panel: in-state tuition, driver's licenses for illegal aliens (Corzine for 1st, against 2nd; wants halt to raids) - 04/02/09
From this:
A state panel on immigrant policy released recommendations Monday that include in-state tuition eligibility and driving privileges for illegal immigrants, as well as the creation of a commission on New Americans.
Gov. Jon S. Corzine, who convened the Blue Ribbon Advisory Panel on Immigrant Policy last August, said Monday he agrees that illegal immigrants, especially those brought to the U.S. as children and attending local schools, should be able to pay in-state tuition at the state's public colleges...
On the slightly better side of things, Corzine opposes the driver's licenses...
"Comprensive immigration reform" returns: S.9, the "Stronger Economy, Stronger Borders Act of 2009" - 01/07/09
Comprehensive immigration reform - aka an amnesty for illegal aliens - is back. Yesterday, Harry Reid introduced S.9, the "Stronger Economy, Stronger Borders Act of 2009" ("SESBA"). What's there now is just a placeholder (link), however the remarks made by Patrick Leahy at introduction show exactly what it is. Those remarks and the list of co-sponsors are below. Note that this is a repeat of how it started in 2007, right down to the bill number.
If you want to cut this bill off at the knees, write to your representatives and let them know your opinion. However, for those who want something...
USCIS Task Force on New Americans releases "Building an Americanization Movement for the Twenty-first Century" - 12/21/08
In 2006, George W Bush tasked the USCIS with creating a Task Force on New Americans to spend a lot of time and effort looking into assimilation of immigrants and related topics. Now, they're released their final report, "Building an Americanization Movement for the Twenty-first Century" (summary link, PDF available in the sidebar at that page).
It's 65 pages, so a full treatment won't be offered. However:
1. Page 6 says:
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that America will be a nation of minorities without a dominant racial or ethnic group by 2042. By mid-century, whites, 67 percent of the...
Influence on both sides of the border - 07/03/08
"Influence on both sides of the border/Activists' political power is rising in Chicago and their homeland, as they seek reforms through marches and money"/Antonio Olivo and Oscar Avila/Chicago Tribune/[[April 6, 2007]]/ li
New Americans Immigrant Policy Council (Illinois) - 03/20/07
Created by Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich by an Executive Order on [[November 19, 2005]]. link
Their report was issued around [[December 13, 2006]], and it resulted in this [1]:
Gil Cedillo's SB 1 would create "Office of Immigrant Affairs" - 03/19/07
California state Senator Gil Cedillo - a Democrat whose actions are usually indistinguishable from those that a paid Mexican agent would engage in - is back with a new scheme: creating an "Office of Immigrant Affairs" with bill SB 1.
He pretends that that Office would help new immigrants get settled in the state, help them apply for citizenship, and so forth.
Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007 (Barack Obama) - 03/09/07
On Wednesday, Sen. Barack Obama introduced the "Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007". This important story was overshadowed by the most likely unimportant story about his stock holdings [1]. The CPA could be described as a "New Democrats Initiative/Funding Source for Possibly Foreign-Linked Pro-Illegal Immigration Groups" bill, and perhaps some reporters should have asked Obama and his co-horts about that.
ICIRR First Draft of Batavia September 1 march press release - 02/26/07
The file is entitled a "first draft" of a press release concerning the September 1 Chicago march and it's cached here and in the 18:41, 26 February 2007 revision:
Will Rod Blagojevich pro-illegal immigration scheme violate law? - 12/13/06
In November 2005, Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich - a very strong supporter of illegal immigration - created the "New Americans Immigrant Policy Council" (press release link) to come up with ways to deal with immigrants in his state. The report from the NAIPC has been released, as has a report from a similar panel. Blago has endorsed their findings, but has not committed any money. And, whether any money will be found is still to be determined.
As even the WaPo discloses ("Ill. Governor To Announce New Benefits For Immigrants" by Kari Lydersen), these benefits would be for both legal and...
What the "Northern Alliance" won't ask Michael Barone - 08/11/06
The "Northern Alliance Radio Network" (featuring the hopeless BushBots at PowerLine and their friends) will be interviewing TV pundit Michael Barone tomorrow at 1pm Eastern. The topic of discussion will be the repurposed edition of his book The New Americans ("How the melting pot can work again"). Apparently it's on a real radio station (not shortwave!) that can be streamed over the web.
New Americans welcomed to Iowa, Arkansas - 06/30/05
The U.S. Department of Labor has recently given $850,000 grants to at least two states to establish "immigrant centers".
From this: