nafta superhighway
nafta superhighway: Page 1
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Bush admin was working on North American Union ("integrating" U.S., Canada and Mexico into one community) - 05/06/11
A few years ago, one of the biggest conspiracy theories concerned a North American Union, an attempt to join the U.S., Canada, and Mexico together in some sort of community similar to the EU. An endless series of establishment hacks claimed that there was no such plan and that it was all just a paranoid fantasy.
Justin Elliot goes after Rand Paul on NAFTA Superhighway, unaware of what Obama himself said - 05/21/10
Justin Elliot of TalkingPointsMemo joins the anti-Rand Paul bandwagon with "Rand Paul In '08: Beware The NAFTA Superhighway!" [1], another low-grade attempt to discredit those who are rightfully concerned about that issue.
Ron Kirk, Obama's U.S. Trade Representive? (supported "NAFTA freeway") - 12/19/08
Barack Obama is apparently considering naming former Dallas mayor Ron Kirk as U.S. Trade Representative. Kirk is a strong NAFTA booster while Obama has only pretended not to be one. During the campaign, Obama played a cute game: pretending to want to "renegotiate" NAFTA, only to later admit that he'd been misleading. With Kirk, at least what they want to do is a bit more out in the open.
Around March 12, 2001, Dino Chiecci of the Associated Press included this in "Meeting of Minds/Governors agree on Dallas trade center" (PDF link):
Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk said β75 percent of goods that move...
If only Ron Paul supporters had a brain (Adam Kokesh stunt at John McCain speech) - 09/05/08
During his GOP convention speech, John McCain was interrupted by a protester named Adam Kokesh, someone who's a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, a Ron Paul supporter, and a future Bob Barr voter. Kokesh held up a sign (per this interview with him) reading "McCain Votes Against Vets" and yelled "Ask him why he votes against vets!"
Obama campaign creatively edits Jerome Corsi quote; his supposed "widely discredited beliefs"; calls him "Truther" - 08/14/08
The Barack Obama campaign is promulgating to their followers and others a PDF about Jerome Corsi's latest book "Obama Nation"; you can download it here:
Some of their debunking in parts of it may be accurate or not, etc. However, in one section they've "creatively edited" Corsi. From the section called "CONSIDER THE SOURCE: CORSI HOLDS WIDELY DISCREDITED BELIEFS":
Corsi is a 9/11 Truther. In a radio interview, Corsi said, "I'm gonna come out with a...
Judy Bachrach/Vanity Fair smears Lou Dobbs - 08/08/08
Freelance writer and Vanity Fair contributor Judy Bachrach offers a smear of Lou Dobbs in "Lou Doubts" ( It's yet another example of the illegal activity-supporting establishment trying to reduce his influence in order to profit from illegal activity in one way or another.
Paul Waldman wins the BOSA! (Barack Obama Sycophant Award) - 06/19/08
Congratulations to Paul Waldman of Media Matters for America, who's just now won the BOSA, also known as the Barack Obama Sycophant Award, the Toady, the Yglesias, and other names too numerous to mention!
Last seen here calling the NAFTA Superhighway a myth and then admitting that it exists in one form, Waldman contributes to the American Prospect's TAPPED. BOSA judges "tapped" the following excerpt from this post as one of the reasons for the award. Referring to BHO, Waldman says:
He has always presented himself as the embodiment of what we all want America to be: inclusive, future-oriented...
Barack Obama: no evidence of North American Union, confirms NAFTA Superhighway (?), says not CFR member - 04/02/08
In Lancaster, Pennsylvania on 3/31/08, an audience member asked Barack Obama whether he's a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and asks about the North American Union. He denied being a member of the CFR, and said he didn't see any evidence of the NAU. However, in his discussion of the NAU he described something sounding an awful lot like the NAFTA Superhighway. If you go to one of his appearances, read back his statements (below) and tell him that he came close to verifying something that we're told doesn't exist.
And, if Obama is truthful when he says he sees no evidence of the NAU...
Rudy Giuliani tied to Trans Texas Corridor, "NAFTA Superhighway" (CNN/Youtube debate) - 09/04/07
Rudy Giuliani claimed that he'd never heard of the "NAFTA Superhighway" but his law firm is deeply involved in the Texas leg of the project.
Here's a relatively mild question I put together for the upcoming CNN/Youtube debate about that discrepancy; please go to his campaign appearances and try to ask him this question: