multiculturalism: Page 2
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
"Feng Shui, non-citizen voting, and invasive plant species?" - 08/06/04
Carnac takes a long, disturbing look at the envelope and says: CA State Assemblyman Leland Yee.
Yee is the guy who I had previously associated only with his call to Feng Shui Sacramento (link). I couldn't recall his name, only referring to him as "Feng Shui guy." However, he seems to deserve a bit more scrutiny.
Danegeld, then and now - 07/21/03
Then (per Wikipedia):
The Danegeld was an English tax raised to pay off Viking raiders (usually lead by the Danish king) to save the land from being ravaged by the raiders...
the amount of silver paid impressed the Danes with the idea that it was more profitable to extort payments from the English than to take whatever booty they could plunder.
I coined "transnational progressivism" too - 04/09/03
[Update: the Michael Ratner mentioned below is also trying to use the ICC "as a tool to restrain American military power" as described here and here.]
Several lefties are mad with glee over their discovery of errors in a National Review article ("Liberate the universities") about something called "transnational progressivism."
First, they say there's no such thing as a "transnational progressivism" movement. And, more importantly, they point out that the author mistakenly believes that Princeton University has a law school.
As I pointed out in the comments to the post linked above, some...
Pearl Harbor? What was that? - 11/12/02
Janice Hahn concluded that showing Tora! Tora! Tora! on Pearl Harbor Day at a San Pedro Theater "would have been insensitive to the Japanese-American community".
Reductio ad absurdum and discussing the rewriting of history is left as an exercise, as is writing a letter to Janice letting her know how you feel.
Janice's contact info is availble here. Her email address is hahn @ (remove the spaces around the @ sign).
Contact info for George Nakano is here. His email is Assemblymember.Nakano @ (remove those spacess too).
UPDATE: Here's the email I sent. Can you...