mike honda
mike honda: Page 1
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Luis Gutierrez' CIR ASAP amnesty has 100+ co-sponsors (Honda, Polis, Weiner, Serrano) - 06/24/10
U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez conducted yet another pro-comprehensive immigration reform event today, this in support of his CIRASAP ("Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act") amnesty. It's reached the milestone of over 100 co-sponsors, and per this those speaking in support included Reps. Barbara Lee, Anthony Weiner, and Jared Polis; Campus Progress (part of the Center for American Progress); and the quite far-left Casa de Maryland.
(Rep. Mike Honda), standing next to a young girl, asked the room if it was right to deny her the American Dream because,...
Religious leaders begin amnesty push; how to push back - 02/10/10
Per this, various religious groups [1] will begin a push for comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) this and next month. They'll be holding 100 events including prayer vigils in a couple dozen states and urging their followers to send postcards to their representatives.
To a certain extent this isn't that big of a deal: they've been pushing for amnesty for years and they haven't gotten anywhere. At the events they'll be (literally) preaching to the choir, and elsewhere many or most of their parishioners will be opposed to their message.
However, it is a big deal because those leaders...
Read about CIR ASAP: "Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act of 2009" (Luis Gutierrez) - 12/11/09
On Tuesday, December 15, 2009 Rep. Luis Gutierrez will introduce an amnesty bill called the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act of 2009". His announcement (luisgutierrez.house.gov/PRArticle.aspx?NewsID=1406) provides no details, however:
1. Details on the bill will be provided here when it becomes available; expect it to be a bit on the far-left side and expect it to not go very far, except perhaps if it's watered down. In the latter case it might present a problem.
2. The way...
Gutierrez unveils immigration "reform" bill principles at Washington DC rally (RI4A, CHC,NCIC,religious leaders) - 10/13/09
Earlier today, supporters of comprehensive immigration reform held a rally in Washington DC. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Immigration Task Force) laid out outlines of a bill he'll supposedly be introducing later this year. The specifics aren't known but it will be very lax and probably won't include the "symbolic gestures" from the bill he co-authored with Jeff Flake. Others attending were Nydia Velazquez (Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus) and Mike Honda (Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus).
Per Ian Urbina of the New York...
Democrats: cover legal immigrants in Obamacare, give illegal aliens access (Honda, NCLR - 09/28/09
Stephen Dinan of the Washington Times offers "Liberals seek health-care access for illegals":
Fearful that they're losing ground on immigration and health care, a group of House Democrats is pushing back and arguing that any health care bill should extend to all legal immigrants and allow illegal immigrants some access.
..."Legal permanent residents should be able to purchase their plans, and they should also be eligible for subsidies if they need it. Undocumented, if they can afford it, should be able to buy their own private plans [even on the proposed Exchange]. It keeps them out of the...
Obama, McCain, Clinton at LULAC convention (illegal immigration supporters; reconquista quote) - 07/07/08
Barack Obama, John McCain, and even Hillary Clinton will all be speaking at this year's convention of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), an illegal immigration-supporting group that was once patriotic but has since been radicalized. As shown by the attendees discussed below, the convention will be a nexus of those who do not support what's in the best interests of the U.S. For example, here's a 2007 quote from their national treasurer Jaime Martinez, who'll also be appearing at one of their workshops:
Civil rights solved, lawmakers push for diversity in Capitol statuary collection - 10/29/07
From this:
Just nine statues in the Capitol's 100-piece Statuary Hall collection depict minorities, a figure that some lawmakers claim is woefully inadequate.
Concerned about the lack of diversity, the legislators are spearheading efforts to make changes to the Capitol's artwork...
Those quoted as supporting a de facto quota system for statues include Reps.
Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007 (Barack Obama) - 03/09/07
On Wednesday, Sen. Barack Obama introduced the "Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007". This important story was overshadowed by the most likely unimportant story about his stock holdings [1]. The CPA could be described as a "New Democrats Initiative/Funding Source for Possibly Foreign-Linked Pro-Illegal Immigration Groups" bill, and perhaps some reporters should have asked Obama and his co-horts about that.
Democrats vs. assimilation - 10/06/06
Yesterday, Arnold Schwarzenegger issued yet another "controversial" statement, this one about Mexican immigrants assimilating. I had two initial thoughts: a) I'm not carrying Arnold's water anymore, and b) few could quibble with his pro-American comments that are similar to ones stated by leading academics.