mexican government
Mexican government: Page 12
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Mexican government makes startling discovery: jobs - 02/16/05
Mexico has job plan for deportees:
The Mexican government hopes it has found a way to tackle its economic and immigration crises with a program to link its deported citizens with jobs in cities on the Mexican side of the border.
The pilot project, dubbed Repatriados Desalentados, or Despondent Deportees, will seek to match migrants who fail in an attempt to cross the U.S.-Mexico border with employers willing to give them jobs or paid training in Mexico...
If a two-year experimental pe
Tying up the loose ends on Colorado's guide for the illegal alien - 02/09/05
Colorado recently removed from its website a guide that gives tips for illegal aliens living in Colorado. Those involved in producing the guide included, to varying degrees: the Mexican government, the Colorado Department of Education, Colorado Gov. Owens, various "immigrant's rights" groups, and First Data/Western Union.
Rep. Tom Tancredo complained about the guide and caused it to be removed from Colorado's site. This, of course, caused the other side to fire up their race-baiting and strike back. From a group called ProgressNow (link):
Colorado Department of Education Vice-Chairman asks:...
"The Everymigrant's Guide to Crossing the Border Illegally" - 02/08/05
NYT Star Reporter Charlie LeDuff offers us an article named "The Everymigrant's Guide to Crossing the Border Illegally".
About 80% of the article consists of real-world tips for border crossers, culled from illegal aliens Charlie interviewed in front of the Home Depot on Sunset in East Hollywood.
Mexico Declares 'War' On Arizona - 02/04/05
From this:
...During a January 28 radio interview, Mexican Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez has threatened the State of Arizona with legal action through the international courts in order to overturn Proposition 200, a ballot initiative lawfully passed last fall to curb state expenditures on illegal aliens.
Derbez plans to initially use the "legal capacities" of the United States to achieve his goal.
MALDEF getting "moral support" from Mexico - 01/31/05
The earlier post "Mexico may ask international courts to block Proposition 200" discussed Mexico's latest plans to interfere in our laws. Mexico's Foreign Secretary said "We are seeking all the legal opportunities that exist, first using the legal capacities of the United States itself" as well as a couple other prime things.
His statement prompted me to ask whether they're involved in MALDEF's various suits against Prop. 200, and the AZ Republic got out their teaspoon and did a little digging.
Rush... disagrees with Bush? - 01/28/05
Let's go to the tape:
...And as I look out there across the great wide spectrum that is this country and its electoral politics, you look at things -- realistically here, not looking for negativism, just looking realistically, things --- that might present a problem to the good guys, the conservatives, the Republicans in all this. And to me, there's one issue out there -- well, maybe two. Spending.
"The Guide for the Mexican Migrant" to go for its second printing - 01/23/05
From this:
The [Mexican] Secretariat of Foreign Relations (SRE) will reprint the [The Guide for the Mexican Migrant], in spite of prompting from the U.S. government and claims by U.S.
The liberal case against illegal immigration - 01/20/05
Welcome liberal visitors!
From Victor Davis Hanson's Illegal immigration is a moral issue:
...The hallowed assimilationist formula has too few overt defenders these days - even though measured, legal immigration, English emersion, multiracialism instead of multiculturalism, and integration have ensured that past legal immigrants from Mexico are among America's finest citizens.
The laissez-faire right still lectures on open borders as if it were a matter of robust lawful immigrat
"I like being his amigo." - 01/19/05
The titular quote is from:
1. A six-year-old George W. Bush.
2. A hopelessly naive and differently-abled eight-year-old.
3. Tom Ridge, yesterday.
#3 is, of course, correct:
[LOU] DOBBS: The Mexican government has made yet another outrageous demand of the United States.
She's a team player! - 01/19/05
From Condi Rice's testimony:
Rice said immigration reform would be an important issue for Bush, both for economic and security reasons.
"Guest worker program promoted" - 01/18/05
From this:
Hours after being named chairman of the Senate subcommittee on immigration, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said he would work on immigration reform that would help legitimize the millions of illegal immigrant workers in the United States.
As head of the Senate Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship, Mr. Cornyn will be responsible for advancing President Bush's immigration reform proposals...
... Mr.
Now that's an apologist! - 01/16/05
From Robert D. Knight, of Murrieta, who's "an associate faculty member in the political science department at Mt. San Jacinto College in Menifee":
Ethnocentrism appears to be alive and well at The Press-Enterprise. In the editorial "Migration mania" (Our Views, Jan. 7), you argue that the Mexican government is promoting undocumented migration to the United States.
"Dumb Like a Fox" - 01/16/05
Kathleen Antrim:
Mexican President Vicente Fox is figuratively thumbing his nose at Washington, D.C., our sovereignty, our laws and the Bush administration. No doubt emboldened by the increasing number of illegal immigrants allowed to live in the United States, in December the Mexican government published a 32-page book titled "The Guide for the Mexican Migrant."
...One reason this manual exists is because weak-kneed U.S.
"Illegals and the State Department" - 01/13/05
The Washington Times tried to get the State Department to condemn the Guide for the Mexican Migrant or to complain to the Mexican government.
Here's the result:
...Well, the State Department has responded. Apparently the answer is no. A spokesman said no action has taken place, and declined to tell us whether the department plans to take any measures outside routine meetings with the Mexicans.
"[AZ Gov. Janet Napolitano] critical of Mexican manual" - 01/12/05
PHOENIX - A pamphlet put out by the Mexican government that purports to be a safety manual for those who cross the border illegally is harming Arizona, Gov.
Your "Guide for the Mexican Migrant" roundup - 01/08/05
In reverse chronological order, here are the posts about the Mexican government's guide to being an illegal alien:
"Mexico publishes guide to assist border crossers": The Drudge-linked AZ Republic article that started it all; post includes quote from earlier article about consul general visiting a day laborer center.
"[WH] Spokesman to 'look into' illegal-alien guide": Scott McClellan weaves and bobs compassionately.
Apologists for the "Guide for the Mexican Migrant" - 01/08/05
What sort of spin would an apologist for the Mexican government's guide to being an illegal alien provide?
Let's look at "Mexico's border comic book tells of rights, doesn't promote wrongs" for an example:
...The guide, published by Mexican Foreign Relations, contains similar directions to those we Americans hear at airports or receive from the Department of Homeland Security.
Do not trust smugglers, do not take packages from strangers, do not leave children with strangers, do not cross with false papers,
Translations of the "Guide for the Mexican Migrant" - 01/08/05
There are "translations" of the Mexican government's guide for illegal aliens here and here.
A fairly accurate real translation is here.
Previous coverage starts here.
"Migration pamphlet draws fire in U.S." - 01/06/05
Houston Chronicle:
...George Grayson, a Mexico expert at the College of William and Mary, said the guide sends a message that the Mexican government endorses illegal immigration.
"It is a wink and a nod to illegal immigrants," Grayson said.
"A Mexican Manual for Illegal Migrants Upsets Some in U.S." - 01/06/05
...But groups seeking stricter immigration laws argued that Mexican officials were being disingenuous in asserting that the pamphlet does not encourage illegal migration.
Yet another angry comic book reader - 01/05/05
From the Long Beach Press-Telegram editorial "Education and immigration":
Failed policy results in failing grades for California schools.
A Rand Corp.
Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ) on "Illegal Immigration and Remittances For Dummies" - 01/04/05
From this:
Scottsdale Republican Congressman J.D. Hayworth is criticizing the Mexican government over a controversial pamphlet for migrants and undocumented immigrants looking to enter the United States...
Hayworth, a conservative who represents Scottsdale, Tempe and Ahwatukee, said Tuesday the migrant guide is a "flagrant example of the Mexican government's lack of respect for U.S.
Let's be polite but firm with - 01/04/05
From Solomon Moore's LAT article "Mexico's Border-Crossing Tips Anger Some in U.S.":
Mexican authorities are distributing more than 1 million copies of an illustrated handbook that gives migrants illegally crossing the U.S.
"[WH] Spokesman to 'look into' illegal-alien guide" - 01/03/05
This would be funny if it weren't so frightening:
At today's White House news briefing, WND asked presidential press secretary Scott McClellan about the Mexican government's distribution of a comic-book-style guide to illegal border crossers.
WND: [...asks about "The Guide for the Mexican Migrant"...] And my question: Since the president surely opposes this, what will he do about it?
...McCLELLAN: Well, I will look int
"Mexico publishes guide to assist border crossers" - 01/02/05
Drudge is linking to this Arizona Republic article:
MEXICO CITY - The Mexican government is giving out a colorful new comic book with advice for migrants, but immigration-control advocates worry that some of the tips may encourage illegal border crossers.
The 32-page book, The Guide for the Mexican Migrant, was published in December by Mexico's Foreign Ministry.
But, they're good-hearted! - 12/26/04
Jill Stewart:
Forgive me if I missed the media coverage of the international dustup between Democratic state Sen. Gloria Romero of Los Angeles and the Mexican government the other day. The media downplay stories they perceive as "blaming the victim," particularly on the hands-off topic of illegal immigration.
Romero has gone against the tide before.
Shhhhhh! - 12/26/04
The El Paso Times offers up "Guest-worker plan is needed, but not under pressure". While certainly not as bad as other pro-amnesty editorials, it slightly sneakily tries to give Mexico some helpful words of advice.
"Mexico plans to step up immigration-policy pressure in 2005" - 12/21/04
Bring it on:
Mexican President Vicente Fox's renewed efforts to lobby for change in U.S. immigration policy may hurt his cause more than help it and could galvanize opposition in a divided American Congress, senior U.S. officials said.
The Mexican government is planning a multipronged effort in the United States on behalf of the millions of Mexicans working without proper documentation [i.e., illegal aliens].
"[CA] Latino caucus calls GOP ads racist" - 12/08/04
Accusing the Republican Party and business groups of stoking "anti-immigrant, anti-Latino" fervor, the Legislature's Democratic Latino Caucus on Tuesday urged Gov.
"Congressmen urge Bush to drop guest-worker plan" - 11/17/04
I hate to be cynical, but the senders of the letter are the "usual suspects" and they've sent other letters in the past that the Bush administration appears to have basically ignored.
Nevertheless, they should be congratulated for continuing trying to talk to the brick wall:
The chairman of a House International Relations subcommittee yesterday urged the Bush administration to drop its proposed temporary guest-worker program and not "reward Mexican nationals living and working illegally in the Unit
"Nebraska gov.: Migrant I.D.s pose security risk" - 10/21/04
It looks like Vicente Fox has lost a round (link):
LINCOLN, Nebraska Nebraska Gov. Mike Johanns said Wednesday during a visit to Mexico that he would not support recognition of Mexican consular identity cards for migrants because they pose a security threat.
Fox of Mexico to get tough with the U.S.A. - 10/18/04
More threats from our friends to the south:
In recent days Mexican President Vicente Fox and his Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Luis Ernesto Derbez, have sent barbed messages to the U.S.A. The main message - Mexico plans to get tough with the U.S.A. regarding the treatment of migrant workers in this country and the services they should receive...
Fire Dreier the outright Liar - 10/18/04
As previously described, KFI talk jocks John & Ken are conducting a "Political Human Sacrifice" designed to fire a local congressman who's extremely weak on illegal immigration, Rep. David Dreier.
Said Rep. has a guest column published in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin entitled "Immigration must play by rules." OK, so they flubbed the title.
"New ID Cards Help Immigrants Keep Their Money Safe" - 09/30/04
The following is an alleged news report from Austin TX's KXAN:
The Mexican consulate has announced a program which puts a face, literally, on thousands of Mexican immigrants.
Authorities say something as simple as an identification card will save money and lives.
It's an important day for immigrants. Many of them live and work in the shadows, with no formal identification card and no place to put their money.
"Conferring Legitimacy, This Card Draws a Crowd" - 09/27/04
In "Conferring Legitimacy, This Card Draws a Crowd", the L.A. Times discusses a visit of a friendly Mexican consul to south Orange County to pass out ID cards that the FBI considers a security threat.
It has the standard bits, ending with a heartwarming vignette about one of the new ID cards ("Matricula Consular" cards).
It even contains yet one more reason to boycott CitiBank:
...while waiting for their cards, hundreds listened as Citibank employees gave out banking information.
"Mexican official seeks open border" - 09/27/04
In June, I posted a similar article about Mexico's new "border czar." He repeated his dream recently:
"I would like to see a border similar to the one that Europe has right now ... where they have common, very common objectives," [Arturo Gonzalez Cruz, a Tijuana businessman named in April by President Vicente Fox as the Mexican Foreign Ministry's institutional liaison for northern border affairs] recently told reporters in Tijuana.
One of these really happened - 09/24/04
Can you guess which of the following really happened?
BERKELEY - State Rep. Miroslav "Mike" Wise recently received one of the Soviet Union's highest honors for civilians, in part for his work in trying to secure driver's licenses for undocumented workers... The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics gave Wise the AgitProp Award, awarded to people or organizations that impact the lives of Russian nationals living abroad...
HAMTRAMCK - State Rep.
Reaction to Arnold's veto from south of the border - 09/24/04
From this:
A top foreign relations official on Thursday lambasted California Gov.
Who is the FDIC? And, why are they working with a foreign government to subvert our laws? - 09/20/04
The FDIC - "an independent agency of the federal government" - is working with the Mexican consulate in Chicago, banks, and community groups to give home loans to "immigrants." If they're legal immigrants, and thus American citizens (or on their way), why is a foreign government involved?
The article "NWI banks offer home loans to undocumented immigrants" (link) explains why: