Mexican government makes startling discovery: jobs
Mexico has job plan for deportees:
The Mexican government hopes it has found a way to tackle its economic and immigration crises with a program to link its deported citizens with jobs in cities on the Mexican side of the border.
ADVERTISEMENTThe pilot project, dubbed Repatriados Desalentados, or Despondent Deportees, will seek to match migrants who fail in an attempt to cross the U.S.-Mexico border with employers willing to give them jobs or paid training in Mexico...
If a two-year experimental period is deemed successful, the program will be expanded along the entire border, he said.
The objective is to find a new way to curb the increase in dangerous illegal border crossings while pumping local economies with reliable workers.
"A lot of people bring with them the American dream in their heads," said Julian Anzaldua, who heads the labor department for Coahuila, which includes Piedras Negras. "But we want to show them that they still have a reason to dream about staying in Mexico..."
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 02/16/2005 - 18:09
Mexico has a plan and that plan is called social crusade or corrupt ideas of recomnquista, and this plan of total evil is backed by both the right and left for its own political agenda called race card. and what a sewer our non government is, the smell will kill us all in that evil end and the reek smell is coming from the guy in the white house.
where Is Bin Laden? and why do our politicos handed out billions to the frug king "pens" in mexico city? stop the drug cartels/terror/propaganda in both non nations.