lydia guzman
lydia guzman: Page 1
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Texting about immigration sweeps might violate law (Arizona; Respeto; ACLU) - 01/04/10
According to this, Lydia Guzman of the group Respect Respeto is texting to a phone tree news about immigration sweeps that Sheriff Joe Arpaio is conducting in Maricopa County, Arizona. The texts are then broadcast to others in the tree:
Guzman said she sends the messages to a wide range of groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona, Copwatch and various immigrant-rights groups such as Somos America and Puente. She concedes that some who receive the text messages likely use the information to avoid being caught and deported.
Per Arpaio: "This little group of people is (in...
Mesa Police chief George Gascon to pay for DC trip out of own funds, refunds "immigration reform" group - 04/12/09
Earlier this month, Mesa, Arizona police chief George Gascon testified before Congress about his opposition to the 287g program. His testimony was sought by Rep. John Conyers and arranged through the agency of county supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox. Hiis trip to DC was paid for by what he called at the time a "group of nonprofit organizations that are seeking immigration reform". This caused a firestorm of protest, and now Gascon has decided to return the money, pay for the trip out of his own pocket, and count the time he spent in DC against his vacation time (link).
Now, here's something...
Latino leader came to forefront from shadows - 09/05/07
Arizona Republic/Daniel Gonzalez/[[September 4, 2006]]/ link
Roberto Reveles seemed to pop out of nowhere when he emerged as leader of the massive immigration reform demonstrations that rocked Phoenix in the spring.