Tweets to Gregg Re

Gregg Re's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Gregg Re
Los Angeles, New Orleans
@FoxNews, lawyer (Georgetown/NYU), Boardgame fan
Tweets to this user:
Jamil Smith's avatar
From @JamilSmith
Louisiana’s governor wants to sign the state’s new bill banning abortion after only six weeks of pregnancy. He’s a…
ShilohMormontRoslin's avatar
From @ShilohRoslin
@JamilSmith exactly. when someone runs they should sign a document that states their views and what they will or wi…
Gregg Re's avatar
From @gregg_re
@ShilohRoslin @JamilSmith He ran as a pro-life Democrat. Not all Democrats are lock-step on life beginning magicall…
ShilohMormontRoslin's avatar
From @ShilohRoslin
@gregg_re @JamilSmith All Democrats unless they are pregnant women should sit down and keep quiet. Maybe I think a…
Gregg Re's avatar
From @gregg_re
@ShilohRoslin @JamilSmith It appears the party of Science (TM) cannot distinguish between a tumor and a fetus. Interesting.
ShilohMormontRoslin's avatar
From @ShilohRoslin
@gregg_re @JamilSmith I absolutely am the party of science and proud of it and yes I can distinguish. Sounds like y…
Gregg Re's avatar
From @gregg_re
@ShilohRoslin @JamilSmith At a sufficient level of generality, anything can be reduced to a parasite or a tumor. Hi…
ShilohMormontRoslin's avatar
From @ShilohRoslin
@gregg_re @JamilSmith Sufficient levels of generality is what it takes a man like you to think he has the right to…
Gregg Re's avatar
From @gregg_re
@ShilohRoslin @JamilSmith I don't see what religion has to do with it. If you are opposed to the concept of laws, w…
ShilohMormontRoslin's avatar
From @ShilohRoslin
@gregg_re @JamilSmith Wait, wait, I apologize Gregg. I just looked at your profile. It says Fox News Lawyer. I a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ShilohRoslin: point out to @gregg_re fan(s) the issues with his "Trump announces escalating tariffs against Mexico, starting at 5 percent, until illegal immigrants 'STOP'": 1. Anything Trump does can be easily undone. 2. Trump completely ignores pull factors (i.e., Big Biz).
Gregg Re's avatar
From @gregg_re
@24AheadDotCom_ @ShilohRoslin "Gregg Re fans"!! YES!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gregg_re replies '"Gregg Re fans"!! YES!'. So at least there's one. What happens to Trump's tariffs (or, for that matter, anything else he does besides SCOTUS picks) when he's out of office? Does his successor & Congress just continue his "policies"?