lou barletta
lou barletta: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
We must pursue all options to stop amnesty - 12/07/14
It's not too late to stop or modify Obama's amnesty, and all reasonable ways to do it have to be on the table. We can't afford to put all our eggs into one basket. If we only pursue a limited number of methods to stop amnesty and they don't work, then Obama will get his way.
Igor Volsky lies about Lou Barletta (Latinos, immigration, ThinkProgress) - 01/29/13
Igor Volsky of ThinkProgress quotes the following section from peekURL.com/zEmJggE about former Hazleton mayor and current Rep. Lou Barletta:
Tea Party Congress isn't extreme enough for Club for Growth (Allen West, David McKinley, Lou Barletta) - 05/17/12
The Club for Growth has released their "Freshman Vote Study" of how the new GOP congressmembers have been living up to Tea Parties ideals (clubforgrowth . org/freshmanvotestudy).
As it turns out, dragging the U.S. where most people really don't want to go is very difficult: 36 out of 87 Republicans who were elected in 2010's landslide sided with the Club 2/3 of the time or less.
Appeals court strikes down Hazleton immigration law; what to do - 09/09/10
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has struck down the Hazleton immigration ordinance. That ordinance sought to prevent housing rentals to illegal aliens and to take away the business licenses of companies that employ illegal aliens.
Per chief Judge Theodore McKee:
"It is ... not our job to sit in judgment of whether state and local frustration about federal immigration policy is warranted. We are, however, required to intervene when states and localities directly undermine the federal objectives embodied in statutes enacted by Congress."
Per Omar Jadwat of the American Civil Liberties...
John McCain promotes illegal alien amnesty to Irish group; Irish government link; no Barletta - 09/22/08
Speaking at the Irish-American Presidential Forum earlier today in Scranton PA, John McCain promoted giving an amnesty to not just the supposed 50,000 Irish illegal aliens in the U.S., but others as well. The video is below, and per this he said:
"[There are] 50,000 Irish men and women in this country illegally who want to become citizens... we have to give them a path to citizenship... [My previous support for McCain-Kennedy] didn't make me the most popular member of my own party and it almost cost me the nomination of my party... To preserve that fragile coalition, I had to sometime take...
Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform to oppose Lou Barletta (Jim Wallis backgrounder) - 04/17/08
On Monday, the illegal immigration supporting Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (headed up by Jim Wallis) held a press conference where they stated their opposition to Hazleton, Pennsylvania mayor Lou Barletta.
It was probably what you'd suspect, and their press release had more of the same:
..."They need to stop using rhetoric that demonizes immigrants and make an effort to respect all people, including immigrants..."
Barletta responded to the paper by pointing out that they'd forgot to specify that his opposition is to illegal immigration and that he supports the legal variety...
Obama immigration interview: he'd make situation far worse (Kevin Johnson/UC Davis) - 09/25/07
Professors Kevin Johnson (lawprofessors.typepad.com/immigration), Jennifer Chacon, and Bill Hing of UC Davis have scored a true coup for the blogosphere: an interview about immigration with Barack Obama!