justin elliot
justin elliot: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
More proof Justin Elliott isn't credible (Sharron Angle, public health concerns over fluoride) - 06/09/10
Sharron Angle [1] won the Republican primary against Harry Reid yesterday, and as could be expected Democratic Party proxies are already beginning their attack. One of those is Justin Elliot of TalkingPointsMemo, who offers "FLASHBACK: GOPer Angle Spoke Out Against Fluoride In Water Supply" [2].
It's a low-grade attempt to provoke a conditioned response that most people have: when someone says something against fluoridation, you're supposed to think that person must be nuts. As it turns out, the science of fluoridation isn't anywhere near as settled as some would have...
Justin Elliot goes after Rand Paul on NAFTA Superhighway, unaware of what Obama himself said - 05/21/10
Justin Elliot of TalkingPointsMemo joins the anti-Rand Paul bandwagon with "Rand Paul In '08: Beware The NAFTA Superhighway!" [1], another low-grade attempt to discredit those who are rightfully concerned about that issue.
Max Blumenthal's bigoted comments about Mormons, Gentiles - 02/04/10
Max Blumenthal is a low-level far-left enforcer of political correctness, frequently calling those to the right of him "racist" in the pages of The Nation and other publications. Now, let's take a look at a couple of interesting items from his Twitter feed (I took screenshots in case either disappears).
At 8:40am on 2/2/2010 he tweeted (twitter dot com/MaxBlumenthal/status/8548913520):
File under goyisherkop: http://tinyurl.com/yf762uk
That links to a Jerusalem Post interview with Mike Huckabee (youtube.com/watch?v=4syfZK4QY9k) and - whatever explanation he wants to give - his tweet is a...