joe the plumber
joe the plumber: Page 1
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Andrea Nill of ThinkProgress misleads about Joe the Plumber immigration comments at tea party - 07/06/09
The Houston tea party featured an appearance by Joe the Plumber, who said the following:
I believe in making sure our country is safe first. I believe we need to spend a little more on illegal immigrants. Get them the hell out of our damn country and close the borders down. We can do it. We’ve got the greatest military in the world and you’re telling me we can’t close our borders? - That’s just ridiculous.
Joe the Plumber sues over records search (Helen Jones-Kelley) - 03/05/09
One of the arguments some people use when I promote my question authority campaign is "look what happened to Joe the Plumber!" Yes, indeed. He's already published two books, gotten a gig with Pajamas Media, and become somewhat of a household name. And, if that's not enough, he's probably going to collect a reasonable settlement from people who appear to have taken actions against him and who've since been fired or resigned (link):
Paul Farhi /WaPo gloats over Joe the Plumber, shows Beltway interest in heartland Americans - 02/26/09
Paul Farhi of the Washington Post offers "Joe the Author, Plumbing New Lows in Interest" (link), a slab of hackwork showing how much the Beltway establishment dislikes Americans from the heartland, especially of the conservative variety. (For a related campaign that also involved the WaPo, see the Sarah Palin smear posts.)
If JTP were in a DC establishment-approved occupation or class, articles like this would never have been written. Instead, the coverage would match that last seen in Socialist Realism.
As proof of that, here are the more pungent parts of the article with "Joe the...
Pajamas TV conducting "hearing" on stimulus healthcare effect, with Joe the Plumber - 02/11/09
Tomorrow, from noon to 2pm Eastern, Pajamas Media will be conducting their latest dog 'n' pony show, this time featuring Joe the Plumber and others holding a "hearing" on the healthcare impacts of the stimulus plan. They invite you to submit your questions that their panel will answer:
The Non-Partisan Case Against Barack Obama - 10/29/08
You don't have to be a conservative or a Republican to be opposed to Barack Obama. Here are some of the reasons that almost anyone should oppose him:
Live coverage: John McCain/Barack Obama Hofstra "debate", 10/15/08 - 10/15/08
Live coverage of the "debate" at Hofstra University between John McCain and Barack Obama commences now.
McCain is taking BHO to task for the "Sarah Palin is a ****" t-shirts and for BHO's implication of widespread rabble-rousing at McCain/Palin rallies.
And, BHO is stumbling. He indeed has a "glass jaw", yet no one wants to take advantage of his lack of experience at being challenged.
If only Ron Paul supporters had a brain (Adam Kokesh stunt at John McCain speech) - 09/05/08
During his GOP convention speech, John McCain was interrupted by a protester named Adam Kokesh, someone who's a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, a Ron Paul supporter, and a future Bob Barr voter. Kokesh held up a sign (per this interview with him) reading "McCain Votes Against Vets" and yelled "Ask him why he votes against vets!"