jim oberweis

Jim Oberweis

Illinois Republican senatorial and gubanatorial contender who was smeared with the assistance of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights [1] [2].

Last modified Sep 7, 2014
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

"GOP Immigration Idiocy In Illinois" - 08/31/04

As you may recall, before choosing Alan Keyes to run against Barack Obama, the IL GOP held a ludicrous search for a candidate. About the only person they didn't consider was Chitown's own Bozo the Clown. Eventually they settled on Alan Keyes, who now trails Obama by a whopping 41 points. At the time, the story that failed to gain any traction was that there was a perfectly good challenger available and he even lived in the state in question: Jim Oberweis. He finished second in the primary behind Jack Ryan. So, why wasn't Oberweis picked? Because he made the mistake of opposing illegal...

Is the Illinois GOP making sense? - 08/03/04

The Illinois GOP is continuing their fervent search for a competitor to Barack Obama. At post time, they have not yet considered my suggestion that they consider Chitown institution Bozo, but give them time. Meanwhile, the latest desperate plan from the Illinois GOP is to convince one-time presidential candidate and two-time senatorial candidate Alan Keyes to move from Maryland to Illinois and run against Barack Obama: "GOP wooing Keyes to take on Obama". Not a bad plan, but wouldn't the second place finisher in the primary be a more natural choice? He does, after all, already live in...