jim gilchrist
jim gilchrist: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Harvard Undergraduate Legal Committee wimps out over Jim Gilchrist appearance, not smart enough to debate - 10/16/09
Jim Gilchrist of the Minuteman Project was scheduled to speak at a Harvard University immigration conference tomorrow. However, he's now been disinvited by the group that organized the event, the Harvard Undergraduate Legal Committee (hcs.harvard.edu/~legalcom). Per them (link):
"Mr. Gilchrist’s participation in the conference on the behalf of the Minutemen Project was not compatible with providing an environment for civil, educational, and productive discourse on immigration, and we cannot host him at this time."
In other words, they're either far-lefties who don't appreciate open debate and...
Lawrence Downes /NYT: strongly supports illegal activity, has mental issues - 03/19/09
Lawrence Downes of the New York Times offers "Notes From the Immigration Battlefield" (link).
Dana Milbank lies, misleads, smears (Tancredo) - 12/23/07
The Washington Post doesn't appear to be sore losers about the failure of immigration "reform". They recently published a vile column from Harold Meyerson and a similar editorial. Now comes Dana Milbank with "Hasta La Vista" (link) about Rep. Tom Tancredo dropping his presidential bid. The problems start with the title, a childish attempt at irony. The running theme throughout is that Tancredo is angry; in fact he uses that word four times. Why is he an "angry man"?
We know this because he has proposed dropping bombs on Mecca. We know this because he sang "Dixie" at a South Carolina gathering...
Karina Garcia - 10/03/07
Political Chair of Chicano Caucus at Columbia University
Involved in melee that ended speech by Jim Gilchrist of the Minuteman Project at Columbia University on [[October 4, 2006]] ( video).
Special PSL public forum on immigrant rights - 09/21/07
picture of flyer
Promotes a "special public forum on immigrant rights" which was to be held on [[October 20, 2006]] in New York City. Tag lines: "Build a movement to fight back!", "Stop government and Minutemen attacks!"
Lists just the following as "guest speakers":
Is Michelle Nichols of Reuters a liar? - 07/27/06
[7/28/06 UPDATE: Reuters has corrected the article, see below.]
Michelle Nichols of Reuters offers a report about yesterday's Minuteman rally and book launch entitled "Immigration protesters scuffle in New York". As predicted, the MSM coverage of this event did not provide any details on the protesters, and it was biased in another way as well:
Immigration activists clashed at the site of the World Trade Center on Wednesday when an anti-illegal immigration group called for secure borders to avoid a repeat of the September 11 attacks and counterprotesters yelled "racists go home."
How out of touch is Morton Kondracke? - 01/10/06
MorTON! offers "Bush Must Talk Sense To Republicans On Immigration". He starts with a bad title and goes downhill: the ones who need sense are Bush's handlers and the corrupt elites that favor massive illegal immigration.
Believe it or not, Morton wants Bush to co-opt Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt and Laura Ingraham, so that those fine hosts can then turn around and explain the wisdom of Bush's plans to the great unwashed out there beyond the beltway. Unfortunately, Kondracke doesn't discuss what those hosts would do when their ratings started to plummet.
And, he...
Reuters on Gilchrist; Campbell is actually pro-illegal immigration; Hoffenblum changes tone - 10/02/05
The Reuters article "Border activist a wild card in Calif. election" discusses the race in California's 48th District. Said "wild card" is Minuteman Project co-founder Jim Gilchrist, who's facing off against "moderate Republican" and state Assemblywoman Marilyn Brewer and the front-runner, former Republican state Sen. John Campbell. The dynamics of this race were previously discussed here.
As for the article itself, it says:
Campbell won the endorsement of California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and has also taken a strong stance against illegal immigration -- coming out against Bush's...