investors business daily
investors business daily: Page 1
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Federal Hate Crimes bill S. 909: violates Constitution, unequal treatment? (Eric Holder) - 07/09/09
The attached video is of Senate testimony from Attorney General Eric Holder on a federal hate crimes bill (S. 909). According to this:
It features Attorney General Holder flatly stating that, despite promising to do so, S. 909 will not protect all Americans who are victims of violent hate crime. It will only protect a privileged minority, including homosexuals, blacks, and Jews. Secondly, Holder can provide no example of even one state failing to enforce the law against hate criminals.
They suggest contacting Senators and asking them to view the video. According to Investors Business Daily...
Harold Koh also horrible on U.S. sovereignty; U.N., international laws would influence U.S. law - 03/30/09
As first discussed here in July 2007, Harold Koh - recently appointed the top legal adviser at the State Department - supports illegal immigration. The fact that he supports illegal activity is cut and dried; his actual position on U.S. sovereignty is less clear but it doesn't look very good.