immigration statistics
immigration statistics: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
DHS admits Obama is deporting fewer illegal aliens than George W. Bush - 03/12/14
So much for the "Deporter in Chief". Pro-illegal immigration activists and incurious members of the establishment media have tried to claim that Barack Obama has deported more illegal aliens than George W Bush.
That's despite the fact that back on September 28, 2011 Obama admitted this [1]:
Pew: illegal immigration has bottomed out, might be on rebound - 09/23/13
One of the more ludicrous talking points around is that net migration from Mexico has fallen to zero, and thus it's safe to pass comprehensive immigration reform without encouraging more illegal immigration. The answer to that argument is to point out that when the U.S. economy improves, illegal immigration will almost assuredly pick up.
Half of Mexicans have unfavorable image of Americans - 01/13/13
The Pew Research Global Attitudes Project shows that Mexicans - the largest immigrant group to the U.S. - don't like Americans all that much.
George W. Bush Institute on "Growth and Immigration" (Matthew Denhart) - 12/05/12
Yesterday, George W Bush returned to the public eye to promote massive immigration, saying ( ):
In 1992, Democrats opposed mass immigration almost as much as Republicans - 06/04/12
The attached image is from a new Pew Research Center report about "partisan polarization" [1]. Back in 1992, 78% of Republicans agreed that "[w]e should restrict and control people coming into our country more than we do now". The percentages for independents and Democrats were nearly identical: 75% and 74% respectively.
Immigration from Mexico might have *reversed*; the establishment implies attrition works ("self deport") - 04/24/12
Pew Hispanic reports that net immigration from Mexico might have fallen to zero or even reversed (link, [1]).
This is clear evidence that attrition (aka "self deport") works: many Mexican illegal aliens have made the rational decision to return to their home countries.
Support high immigration? Explain these shocking charts (labor force participation rates by age, gender, ethnicity) - 10/13/11
Here's a challenge for supporters and enablers of massive or illegal immigration: explain these shocking charts.
The charts (from the Department of Labor's BLS, [1]) show the labor force participation rate for various ethnicities, genders, and ages, with steady drops for most groups and especially for men, blacks, and youths. Note that the rates for Asians and white women has held mostly steady over the past decade.
Chart showing deportations by fiscal year is misleading (Obama vs. Bush administration) - 05/23/10
The attached chart (from Frank Sharry of America's Voice) tries to claim that the Barack Obama administration is deporting illegal aliens at an even greater rate than George W Bush.
The chart is misleading for at least two reasons:
One in six U.S. workers is foreign born; Census Bureau does sales job - 12/07/09
From this:
Nearly one in six American workers is foreign-born, the highest proportion since the 1920s, according to a census analysis released Monday [note: see the graphic].
...In 2007, immigrants accounted for more than one in four workers in California (35 percent), New York (27 percent), New Jersey (26 percent) and Nevada (25 percent).
While the proportion of high school graduates increased from one generation to the next, the share who had bachelor’s degrees or more higher education declined from the second to the third generations. The proportion with doctorates peaked with the first...
WaPo admits: massive immigration has created a "troubling" situation (second generation Hispanics) - 12/07/09
Last month, the New York Times admitted some of the troubling aspects of the immigration policy they support. Now comes NC Aizenman of the Washington Post with "Struggles of the second generation" (link, via this) in which they likewise admit that the policies they support have created a "troubling" situation.
Almost all of it is a sketch of the child of Mexican immigrants who's trying to turn his life around. The rest includes:
Whether [the millions of children of Latino immigrants] succeed will have consequences far beyond immigrant circles. As a result of the arrival of more than 20...
300,000 new, taxation-friendly citizens in California, thanks to the GOP helping the Dems import new voters - 05/11/09
Teresa Watanabe of the Los Angeles Times offers "Naturalized citizens are poised to reshape California's political landscape" (link):
More than 1 million immigrants became U.S. citizens last year, the largest surge in history, hastening the ethnic transformation of California's political landscape with more Latinos and Asians now eligible to vote... Leading the wave, California's 300,000 new citizens accounted for nearly one-third of the nation's total and represented a near-doubling over 2006... The new citizens are reshaping California's electorate and are likely to reorder the state's...
Chart shows percentage of foreign country's population in U.S.: Guyana at 32%, Mexico at 11% - 04/27/09
There's a chart here (see UPDATE) showing the percentages of various foreign countries populations who now live in the U.S. The data is from a government source and Pew Hispanic and is from 2007. The figures are probably on the low side.
NYT's immigration map by group and by time shows: Mexican immigration like no other - 03/11/09
The New York Times has an interactive map showing where those from various countries settled in the U.S. and showing their proportion in relation to the then-current population (link). You can move the slider at the top to watch the migration pattern change over time. And, what it shows is that immigration from Mexico is like none other in our history.