immigration schools

immigration schools: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

NCLR's frightening report on Latino school achievement places blame in wrong place - 05/05/09

Sarah Dolan of the National Council of La Raza has released a frightening report called "Missing Out: Latino Students in America's Schools" ( Latino children constitute one-fifth of the under-five population and are the nation’s largest and fastest-growing minority; as such, they represent the very future of the American workforce. However, Latino students continue to miss out on critical learning opportunities and perform at lower levels than their peers. We need to make investments in their learning now to ensure their future success as students...

Dallas School District laid off Americans while seeking H-1B workers (DISD) - 03/30/09

From this: About 50 [Texas] companies, along with [the Dallas Independent School District], applied for H-1B visas for jobs in Texas last year and then announced layoffs of thousands of workers in the state, a Dallas Morning News review of government databases shows... DISD had the most filings of any North Texas entity, with 380 requests for H-1B visas and five for permanent visas... "We're obviously trying to find more bilingual teachers to help us with our population," said school district spokesman Jon Dahlander. Students with limited English proficiency now number 53,785 in DISD, or 34...