douglas holtz eakin

Douglas Holtz Eakin

Amnesty supporter Douglas Holtz Eakin has been affiliated with the John McCain and Tim Pawlenty campaigns.

He was director of the Congressional Budget Office from 2003 to 2005 during the George W Bush administration.

He was also associated with the Peterson Institute for International Economics; see Peter Peterson.

He now heads the American Action Network's think tank, the American Action Forum.

Last modified Mar 1, 2013
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

American Action Network to begin major amnesty push; "350,000" activists (Carlos Gutierrez, Malek, Coleman) - 03/01/13

Per Politico ( ), the American Action Network and their associated groups Hispanic Leadership Network and Congressional Leadership Fund will begin a major push for

Bush, McCain winners flocking to Tim Pawlenty campaign - 10/12/09

Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty has recently formed a PAC and will probably be running for president in 2012.

Jonathan Martin/Politico: please try real reporting for a change ("Holtz-Eakin: McCain helped create BlackBerry") - 09/16/08

Jonathan Martin of the Politico is a sickening hack who's a complete failure as a reporter. His latest "scoop" is falsely titled "Holtz-Eakin: McCain helped create BlackBerry" (link).