anthony weiner
anthony weiner: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
How are Anthony Weiner's ideas wrong? A Weinergate challenge - 06/03/11
Over the past week, the internet has been polluted with the "Weinergate" scandal involving Rep. Anthony Weiner. It's a further indictment of rightwing bloggers that they'd spend so much time on this issue rather than on things that actually matter: the policies that Weiner and those like him support. The scandal probably isn't going to affect his career, and at the same time legislation supported by Weiner might end up affecting millions of people.
Rep. Anthony Weiner cheered anti-American DREAM Act - 06/02/11
On December 8, 2010, Rep. Anthony Weiner cheered the House passing the anti-American DREAM Act, a bill that would let the illegal aliens covered by it deprive some citizens of college. Weiner's press release is at [1], and for the facts that Weiner won't tell you about the bill he supports, see the last link.
Luis Gutierrez' CIR ASAP amnesty has 100+ co-sponsors (Honda, Polis, Weiner, Serrano) - 06/24/10
U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez conducted yet another pro-comprehensive immigration reform event today, this in support of his CIRASAP ("Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act") amnesty. It's reached the milestone of over 100 co-sponsors, and per this those speaking in support included Reps. Barbara Lee, Anthony Weiner, and Jared Polis; Campus Progress (part of the Center for American Progress); and the quite far-left Casa de Maryland.
(Rep. Mike Honda), standing next to a young girl, asked the room if it was right to deny her the American Dream because,...
White House immigration meeting of amnesty all-stars: Obama, McCain, Graham, Cornyn, Gutierrez - 06/26/09
Yesterday, Barack Obama met with various members of Congress to discuss comprehensive immigration reform. His remarks are at [1], a list of attendees is at [2], and some quotes from attendees is at [3]. Nothing very important appears to have happened or been said.