How are Anthony Weiner's ideas wrong? A Weinergate challenge

Over the past week, the internet has been polluted with the "Weinergate" scandal involving Rep. Anthony Weiner. It's a further indictment of rightwing bloggers that they'd spend so much time on this issue rather than on things that actually matter: the policies that Weiner and those like him support. The scandal probably isn't going to affect his career, and at the same time legislation supported by Weiner might end up affecting millions of people. Even if Weiner resigns tomorrow, ideas like his will continue and will just be pushed by others. And, those promoting the scandal aren't doing anything about that.

So, let me light a candle by offering a challenge: I want the scandal promoters to show Weiner's supporters how those promoters think Weiner's policy ideas are wrong. Not just preaching to the choir, but trying to change the minds of some of his current or potential supporters.

How would those promoters do that?

First, they'd need to choose one or more of Weiner's policy positions. Then, they'd need to find the aspects of those positions that differ from their own positions. Then, based on that, figure out where they think he's wrong. If those promoters oppose him, but can't articulate why, then perhaps they should rethink things in general. Assuming they can articulate why they oppose him, try to develop a valid, logical, fact-based argument based on that opposition. (For extra credit, create one or more questions for him and then ask him those questions on video).

That shouldn't be that hard, but years of experience observing them shows that those promoters are barely capable of doing anything like that. But, it goes beyond capability: they don't have the will, and they aren't willing to help those who are willing and capable.

And, that's not at all good for the U.S. So, let's change things.