angela sambrano

Angela Sambrano

President of the National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities (NALACC) and head of the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) in Los Angeles.

Last modified Sep 7, 2014
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

March 25 Coalition Statement - 10/30/07

From the March 25 Coalition PDF dated [[April 4, 2006]] The massive March 25 demonstration in Los Angeles of well over one million undocumented workers, legal residents and their supporters-along with protests and walkouts throughout the United States-is irrefutable evidence that a new Civil Rights and workers' rights movement is on the rise.

Group to urge Congress for immigration fixes - 02/21/07

Associated Press/Laura Wides/[[November 11, 2006]]/ link

Gil Cedillo, Peter Schey, LULAC, MALDEF, more at Migrant March II - 02/05/07

Migrant March II is a caravan driving from San Diego to Brownsville and back in order to push for immigration "reform". Those leading it are Nativo Lopez and Enrique Morones (associated with San Diego's Democratic Party). Also along for the ride is a Mexican official.

National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities - 11/15/06 Formed in 2004 President is Angela Sambrano, who also heads the Central American Resource Center.

"Rights Groups Take On Deportation Program" - 08/30/04

A new joint program from the U.S. and Mexico flies some deported illegal aliens back into central Mexico, rather than dropping them off at a border city. The L.A. Times reports that so-called "rights groups" are up in arms about this new program. To get the plane ride, the alien has to waive his rights to a hearing. And, no coincidence at all, no hearing means no immigration lawyer to pay. As previously discussed this is basically subsidized vacation pay for their employers, as many of those deported say they'll just try again. Note that the LAT itself reported that many of those on the...